
Role & Status MCQs

Option A: Authority figures

Option B: Retired in isolation

Option C: Honored but restrained

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Authority figures

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Option A: functionalism

Option B: symbolic interactionism

Option C: psychoanalysis

Option D: cognitive theory

Correct Answer: symbolic interactionism

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Option A: achieved status

Option B: ascribed status

Option C: master status

Option D: status set

Correct Answer: master status

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Option A: middle-range function

Option B: consumption function

Option C: latent function

Option D: structural function

Correct Answer: latent function

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Option A: schools prepare children work by teaching them to be obedient

Option B: teachers and parents tend to have similar attitudes to learning

Option C: children who write lots of letters develop a better grasp of language

Option D: boys’ and girls’ educational achievements have recently become similar

Correct Answer: schools prepare children work by teaching them to be obedient

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Option A: mothers who are living in poverty cannot afford to give their children the resources that other children enjoy

Option B: children deprived of an early secure attachment to their mother are prone to suffer physically intellectually and socially in later life

Option C: mothering is a socially constructed activity identified in the narratives of new mothers

Option D: deprivation is something children inherit usually through their mothers’ side

Correct Answer: children deprived of an early secure attachment to their mother are prone to suffer physically intellectually and socially in later life

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Option A: the group of structural theories of society that he was reacting against

Option B: the overall impression of ourselves that we try to give off to others

Option C: a significant figure in early childhood who teaches us the general values of society

Option D: an image of how people in the wider society might perceive our behavior

Correct Answer: an image of how people in the wider society might perceive our behavior

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Option A: taking a stand on the issues neglected by feminism

Option B: studying society from the perspective of women

Option C: the recognition of difference and diversity in women’s lives

Option D: a tendency to ignore the gendered nature of knowledge

Correct Answer: studying society from the perspective of women

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Option A: Patients judgments regarding their own state of health may be related to their gender age social class and ethnic group

Option B: The sick role may be more applicable to people experiencing short-term illnesses than those with recurring long -term illnesses

Option C: Even simple factors such as whether a person is employed or not seem to affect willingness to assume the sick role

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: Achieved through effort

Option B: Ascribed to use by society

Option C: Both a and b

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Ascribed to use by society

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Option A: Role playing

Option B: Role sets

Option C: Role adjustment

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Role sets

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Option A: Role

Option B: Status

Option C: Both a and b

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Role

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Option A: Broadening of role specification

Option B: Plurality of moralities

Option C: Increase in number of achievable positions

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: None of these

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Option A: conditional

Option B: unconditionally legitimate

Option C: modified legitimate

Option D: illegitimate

Correct Answer: modified legitimate

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Option A: front regions

Option B: back regions

Option C: public regions

Option D: social regions

Correct Answer: front regions

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Option A: a position

Option B: a role

Option C: a performance

Option D: an impression

Correct Answer: a role

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Option A: age

Option B: income

Option C: verbal fluency

Option D: occupation

Correct Answer: occupation

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Option A: adolescence and gender roles varied between societies and so were culturally determined

Option B: gender roles in three New Guinea societies were identical and so must be biologically determined

Option C: adolescence in the USA is a time of relative calm compared to the experience in Japan and Europe

Option D: anthropological fieldwork can be problematic because the researcher’s values affect the way they interpret their observations

Correct Answer: adolescence and gender roles varied between societies and so were culturally determined

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Option A: the unconscious mass of instinctive drives that may be repressed

Option B: the self as a whole an unstable mix of conscious and unconscious elements

Option C: the conscious part of the mind that regulates emotional drives on a practical rational level

Option D: the neurotic part of the mind that longs for belonging and may suffer an inferiority complex

Correct Answer: the conscious part of the mind that regulates emotional drives on a practical rational level

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Option A: we internalize and take on social roles from a pre-existing framework

Option B: we create and negotiate our roles through interaction with others

Option C: social roles are not fixed or stable but fluid and pluralistic

Option D: roles have to be learned to suppress unconscious motivations

Correct Answer: we internalize and take on social roles from a pre-existing framework

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Option A: public opinion

Option B: social movements

Option C: rumors

Option D: crowds

Correct Answer: social movements

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Option A: Mental and physical proficiency

Option B: inherited and good early environment

Option C: (a)mainly depending on (b)

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: (a)mainly depending on (b)

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Option A: Ascribed

Option B: Achieved

Option C: both a and b

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Achieved

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Option A: Actual behavior

Option B: Supposed behavior

Option C: Ascribed behavior

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Actual behavior

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Option A: personality

Option B: Phenomenon

Option C: Situation

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Phenomenon

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Option A: Role

Option B: Status

Option C: Both a and b

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Status

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