
Social Groups MCQs

Option A: monogamy

Option B: polygamy

Option C: polygyny

Option D: polyandry

Correct Answer: polyandry

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Option A: matrilineal

Option B: androlineal

Option C: homolineal

Option D: patrilineal

Correct Answer: patrilineal

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Option A: an experimental stage before marriage

Option B: a family form only found among st younger people

Option C: a short-lived experiment from the 1960 s that is now in decline

Option D: an alternative to traditional marriage

Correct Answer: an experimental stage before marriage

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Option A: there is a large dark figure of unreported incidents

Option B: the changing definitions of legal categories have made it harder to convict offenders

Option C: researchers are not allowed access to official statistics

Option D: there is no valid or reliable way of researching such a sensitive topic

Correct Answer: there is a large dark figure of unreported incidents

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Option A: the proportion of people living alone has fallen to 29%

Option B: many people are cohabiting in long term relationships

Option C: the upward curve of remarriages compensates for the drop in first marriages

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: many people are cohabiting in long term relationships

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Option A: the introduction of compulsory education

Option B: increasingly emotional ties between parents and children

Option C: new consumer goods for children such as clothes toys and books

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: a group of people sharing living accommodation and meals

Option B: a network of relatives extended within or between generations

Option C: the new family created when an adult leaves home and gets married

Option D: a two-generation unit of parents and their children

Correct Answer: a two-generation unit of parents and their children

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Option A: organizational goals reflect the priorities of those who occupy the top positions

Option B: bureaucracies are arenas for cooperation in which the dominant social values of justice and equality take precedence

Option C: factories are organized and operate independently of market pressures

Option D: bureaucracies result from the centralizing tendencies of socialism and help to redistribute wealth and power

Correct Answer: organizational goals reflect the priorities of those who occupy the top positions

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Option A: the iron law of oligarchy

Option B: Parkinson’s law

Option C: the peter principle

Option D: trained incapacity

Correct Answer: trained incapacity

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Option A: coercive organizations

Option B: total institutions

Option C: utilitarian organizations

Option D: voluntary organizations

Correct Answer: voluntary organizations

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Option A: both partners can benefit if each play competitively

Option B: both partners can benefit if each plays cooperative

Option C: you are more likely to employ a cooperative strategy if your partner exhibits cooperation early and consistently

Option D: neither you nor your partner can win

Correct Answer: both partners can benefit if each plays cooperative

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Option A: work harder than when they work alone

Option B: may engage in social loafing

Option C: feel they must work harder to prove their value to the group

Option D: may engage in intergroup relativism

Correct Answer: may engage in social loafing

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Option A: They are membership groups

Option B: They provide comparative but not normative functions

Option C: Those which do not match membership groups may create feelings of relative deprivation

Option D: They are groups to which we refer in our conversations

Correct Answer: Those which do not match membership groups may create feelings of relative deprivation

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Option A: socialization

Option B: meeting important personal needs

Option C: social control

Option D: accomplishing a specific practical purpose

Correct Answer: accomplishing a specific practical purpose

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Option A: anticipatory bond

Option B: expressive tie

Option C: family tie

Option D: instrumental bond

Correct Answer: expressive tie

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Option A: in-group

Option B: reference group

Option C: secondary group

Option D: relationship

Correct Answer: in-group

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Option A: Clan

Option B: Tribe

Option C: Kin group

Option D: class

Correct Answer: Kin group

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Option A: the objective categories of ethnicity used in the census

Option B: a felt sense of group of group membership on basis of religion language or history

Option C: the imposition of a racial label on a minority by a powerful majority

Option D: the fragmented and pluralistic nature of ethnicity

Correct Answer: a felt sense of group of group membership on basis of religion language or history

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Option A: industrial capitalism separated the middle-class home from the workplace

Option B: those who enter paid employments have been sidelined into particular fields

Option C: it is difficult to succeed in malestream politics without compromising their femininity

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: less time to speak

Option B: more points of view to absorb

Option C: a more elaborate structure within which to function

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: normative function by enforcing standards of conduct and belief

Option B: comparison function by serving as a standard against which people can measure themselves and others

Option C: elimination function by dissolving groups that no longer have a social purpose

Option D: both a and b

Correct Answer: both a and b

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Option A: primary

Option B: secondary

Option C: out-groups

Option D: formal organizations

Correct Answer: secondary

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Option A: Impersonal relations

Option B: Contract

Option C: Modern ideas

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Contract

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Option A: Intermediate groups

Option B: Tertiary groups

Option C: Task-groups

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Task-groups

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Option A: Sociability

Option B: Performance

Option C: Emotional satisfaction

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Performance

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Option A: formal

Option B: Informal

Option C: Important

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: formal

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Option A: formal

Option B: informal

Option C: Social

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: formal

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Option A: Interviews

Option B: Questionnaire

Option C: Case studies

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Case studies

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Option A: behavior learning

Option B: socialization

Option C: both a & b

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: behavior learning

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Option A: Functionalist approach

Option B: Conflict theorists

Option C: Interactionism

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Functionalist approach

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Option A: beanpole families

Option B: cohabiting families

Option C: reconstituted families

Option D: horizontal families

Correct Answer: reconstituted families

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Option A: women have become less economically dependent

Option B: a reduction in the stigma attached to divorce

Option C: marriage is seen in terms of personal satisfaction

Option D: increased acceptance of same-sex relationships

Correct Answer: increased acceptance of same-sex relationships

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Option A: social resistance to cohabitation

Option B: the trend towards later marriages

Option C: the high rate of divorce

Option D: an ageing population with a growing number of households made up of widows/widowers

Correct Answer: social resistance to cohabitation

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Option A: family

Option B: kinship

Option C: network

Option D: tribe

Correct Answer: kinship

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Option A: female partners/spouses and older relatives

Option B: male partners/spouses and children

Option C: female partners/spouses and children

Option D: older relatives and children

Correct Answer: male partners/spouses and children

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Option A: fathers are more likely to be absent from their children’s lives

Option B: one parent has total responsibility for the child’s welfare and socialization

Option C: both parents are expected to co-operate in the continued care of their children

Option D: parents must provide for all of their children in equal measure

Correct Answer: both parents are expected to co-operate in the continued care of their children

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Option A: active non-work and independence after retirement

Option B: full time employment family-building and adult responsibility

Option C: illness isolation and increasing dependence on others

Option D: the transition from education to work and distinctive youth cultures

Correct Answer: active non-work and independence after retirement

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Option A: secondary socialization and strict discipline

Option B: emotional support and sexual gratification

Option C: primary socialization and personality stabilization

Option D: oppressing women and reproducing the labor force

Correct Answer: primary socialization and personality stabilization

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Option A: consists of the interpersonal networks that arise in a formal organization

Option B: is defined and prescribed by the formal organization

Option C: develops because rules are too specific to provide workable solutions for general situations

Option D: increases the hassle of “red tape”

Correct Answer: consists of the interpersonal networks that arise in a formal organization

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Option A: less hierarchy and less authoritarianism

Option B: more worker participation in decision making

Option C: self-managed teams

Option D: larger work groups

Correct Answer: larger work groups

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Option A: clear-cut division of labor

Option B: pyramidal hierarchy of authority

Option C: qualifications based on “whom you know”

Option D: written record of decisions rules procedures and activities

Correct Answer: C. qualifications based on “whom you know”

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Option A: bureaucracies

Option B: formal organizations

Option C: informal organizations

Option D: task hierarchies

Correct Answer: formal organizations

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Option A: Members demand conformity and apply pressure to those who express doubts about a proposed course of action

Option B: Members withhold dissent and exercise self- censorship

Option C: Members share an illusion of invulnerability

Option D: Members share a common socioeconomic background

Correct Answer: Members share a common socioeconomic background

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Option A: two

Option B: three

Option C: four

Option D: five

Correct Answer: five

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Option A: can be thought of as “we-groups” and “they -groups ” respectively

Option B: highlight the importance of family ties

Option C: are almost always based on territory (e.g. a neighborhood or nation-state)

Option D: are easily bridged by those who wish to share the other groups identity

Correct Answer: A. can be thought of as “we-groups” and “they -groups ” respectively

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Option A: The social support and feedback of others hinders us as we try to confront difficulties

Option B: Accidents alcoholism psychiatric disorders tuberculosis and even death rates are higher among people who live with more than seven others in a group living situation

Option C: The most effective strategy for undergraduate success is to abstain from group interaction because it slows down one’s individual learning process

Option D: Support groups have been found to add an average of 18 months to the lives of women in advanced stages of cancer

Correct Answer: Support groups have been found to add an average of 18 months to the lives of women in advanced stages of cancer

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Option A: the household

Option B: the office

Option C: the global village

Option D: the nation states

Correct Answer: the office

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Option A: Co-operation

Option B: Competition

Option C: Coercion

Option D: Conflict

Correct Answer: Conflict

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Option A: genetics

Option B: evolution

Option C: height

Option D: brain size

Correct Answer: height

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Option A: Charles Horton Cooley

Option B: Emile Durkheim

Option C: William I. Thomas

Option D: William Graham Sumner

Correct Answer: William Graham Sumner

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Option A: all small groups are primary groups

Option B: all small groups are secondary groups

Option C: many small groups differ from primary groups in that they do not necessarily offer the intimate personal relationships characteristic of primary groups

Option D: both b and c

Correct Answer: many small groups differ from primary groups in that they do not necessarily offer the intimate personal relationships characteristic of primary groups

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Option A: functionalists

Option B: conflict theorists

Option C: interactionists

Option D: classical theorists

Correct Answer: conflict theorists

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Option A: Primary group

Option B: secondary group

Option C: out-groups

Option D: formal organizations

Correct Answer: Primary group

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Option A: Personal or traditional

Option B: Impersonal

Option C: Organizational

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Personal or traditional

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Option A: Primary group

Option B: Secondary group

Option C: Both groups

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Primary group

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Option A: efficiency

Option B: emotional Satisfaction

Option C: task

Option D: none of these

Correct Answer: emotional Satisfaction

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Option A: formal

Option B: Impersonal

Option C: both a & b

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: both a & b

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Option A: Primary groups

Option B: Secondary groups

Option C: Tertiary groups

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Primary groups

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Option A: Measuring acceptance

Option B: closeness degree

Option C: Social distance

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Social distance

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Option A: Individual activities

Option B: Families

Option C: Group activities

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Group activities

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