
Sociology And Society MCQs

Option A: Human beings have existed on earth for about half million years

Option B: agriculture is only around twelve thousand years old

Option C: civilizations date back around six thousand years

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: Greenpeace

Option B: International Telegraph Union

Option C: Amnesty International

Option D: The Red Cross

Correct Answer: International Telegraph Union

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Option A: citizens lose faith in existing systems of governance

Option B: globalization needs to happen much more quickly

Option C: individual countries no longer control their own economies

Option D: regional institutions are becoming as powerful as nation-states

Correct Answer: globalization needs to happen much more quickly

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Option A: own meanings and values

Option B: family and kin relationships

Option C: artistic and literary production

Option D: religious and spiritual beliefs

Correct Answer: own meanings and values

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Option A: 28

Option B: 45

Option C: 63

Option D: 81

Correct Answer: 81

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Option A: totalitarian regimes are incompatible with the requirements of advanced industrial technology

Option B: democratic governments serve the interests of a ruling elite

Option C: advanced industrial technology strengthens the power of totalitarian regimes

Option D: communist societies disperse power between various political parties

Correct Answer: totalitarian regimes are incompatible with the requirements of advanced industrial technology

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Option A: vastness

Option B: anonymity

Option C: responsibility

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: None of these

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Option A: theory must be augmented by straightforward plausible methods

Option B: we can find true objective knowledge of the world through our senses

Option C: knowledge is produced in everyday practical situations

Option D: the best social theory was developed in Prague

Correct Answer: knowledge is produced in everyday practical situations

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Option A: Means of production are owned by the community

Option B: by the capitalist

Option C: by the representatives of proletariat

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Means of production are owned by the community

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Option A: charisma

Option B: magnetism

Option C: equilibrium

Option D: status quo

Correct Answer: equilibrium

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Option A: Religion

Option B: Sense of Community

Option C: both a & b

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: both a & b

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Option A: Individualism

Option B: solidarity

Option C: Harmony

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Individualism

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Option A: Decrease in social solidarity

Option B: Increased development

Option C: Industrialization

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Decrease in social solidarity

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Option A: Max Weber

Option B: Karl Marx

Option C: Emile Durkheim

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Emile Durkheim

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Option A: Alienation from the results of production

Option B: low wages

Option C: Job insecurity

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Alienation from the results of production

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Option A: Increasingly happy individuals

Option B: Increasingly unhappy individuals

Option C: Equality in society

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Increasingly unhappy individuals

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Option A: the capitalist

Option B: the working class

Option C: the middle man

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: the working class

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Option A: rationality

Option B: Cultural pursuits

Option C: Increased development

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: rationality

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Option A: Horticulture

Option B: Agriculture

Option C: Industrialization

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Industrialization

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Option A: Fertile crescent Region of Middle East

Option B: East Asia

Option C: Central and South America

Option D: Southeast Asia

Correct Answer: Fertile crescent Region of Middle East

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Option A: Industrial agriculture

Option B: Subsistence agriculture

Option C: both a and b

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: both a and b

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Option A: Agriculturist and his/her family

Option B: The population on village level

Option C: The larger part of population

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Agriculturist and his/her family

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Option A: Hunter gatherer society

Option B: Pastoralist society

Option C: Agrarian society

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Pastoralist society

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Option A: a settled system of life

Option B: a mobile system

Option C: large populations

Option D: exploitation of wild animals and plants

Correct Answer: exploitation of wild animals and plants

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Option A: ritualist

Option B: retreatism

Option C: rebel

Option D: innovator

Correct Answer: ritualist

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Option A: Switzerland Sweden Norway Portugal

Option B: Sweden Norway Switzerland Portugal

Option C: Portugal Switzerland Norway Sweden

Option D: Switzerland Norway Portugal Sweden

Correct Answer: Switzerland Sweden Norway Portugal

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Option A: Brazil

Option B: South korea

Option C: Taiwan

Option D: Hungary

Correct Answer: Hungary

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Option A: countries that industrialized after those in Europe

Option B: countries that industrialized less successfully than Europe

Option C: countries that industrialized under state central planning

Option D: countries that have yet to proceed to industrialize

Correct Answer: countries that industrialized under state central planning

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Option A: agrarian society

Option B: ancient society

Option C: Industrial society

Option D: pastoral society

Correct Answer: Industrial society

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Option A: Latin America

Option B: South Asia

Option C: Arab States

Option D: East Asia

Correct Answer: Latin America

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Option A: ways of behaving that are external to individuals

Option B: only things that have been shown to be true

Option C: social insights into collective behavior

Option D: information captured by official statistics

Correct Answer: ways of behaving that are external to individuals

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Option A: indoctrination and propaganda

Option B: freedom of movement for citizens

Option C: one-party rule

Option D: a centrally planned economy

Correct Answer: freedom of movement for citizens

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Option A: scientists are guided in their work by social values and interests, so they define and measure phenomena that will support their theories

Option B: people negotiate shared definitions of their situation and live according to these often forgetting that these social worlds are not fixed and external

Option C: sociologists decide what constitutes social reality and measure only that

Option D: terms like reality have no deeper meaning beyond the level of discourse

Correct Answer: people negotiate shared definitions of their situation and live according to these often forgetting that these social worlds are not fixed and external

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Option A: a complex network of interaction at a micro-level

Option B: a source of conflict inequality and alienation

Option C: an unstable structure of social relations

Option D: a normative framework of roles and institutions

Correct Answer: a normative framework of roles and institutions

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Option A: classical theory

Option B: scientific management approach

Option C: human relations approach

Option D: both a and b

Correct Answer: both a and b

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Option A: Interdependence

Option B: Specialization

Option C: Occupational Friendships

Option D: All of these

Correct Answer: All of these

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Option A: chaos

Option B: Solidarity

Option C: Harmony

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: chaos

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Option A: Social solidarity

Option B: Social alienation

Option C: Individualism

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Social solidarity

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Option A: Same as Marx envisioned

Option B: is different from Marxian view

Option C: opposite to Marxian view

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: opposite to Marxian view

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Option A: Democracy

Option B: Communism

Option C: Dictatorship

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Communism

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Option A: the capitalist

Option B: the working class

Option C: equally distributed

Option D: to none of these

Correct Answer: the working class

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Option A: the capitalist

Option B: the working class

Option C: the middle man

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: the capitalist

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Option A: Self-actualization

Option B: Self-denial

Option C: None of these

Option D: both of these

Correct Answer: Self-actualization

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Option A: Emile Durkhiem

Option B: Max Weber

Option C: August Comte

Option D: Karl Marx

Correct Answer: Max Weber

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Option A: in Europe during 18th and 19th centuries

Option B: in America in 20th century

Option C: in Asia in 17th century

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: A. in Europe during 18th and 19th centuries

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Option A: 10,000 to 80,00, B.C.E

Option B: 1000 to 8000 B.C.C

Option C: 100 to 800 B.C.E

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: 10,000 to 80,00, B.C.E

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Option A: Agriculture employs machinery but horticulture not

Option B: Horticulture employs machinery and other tools

Option C: Horticulture only depends on humans for cultivation

Option D: a and c both

Correct Answer: a and c both

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Option A: cultivation of crops

Option B: Dense populations

Option C: Food surplus and division of labor

Option D: All of above

Correct Answer: All of above

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Option A: domesticated livestock

Option B: agriculture

Option C: Trade and business

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: domesticated livestock

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Option A: Who share a defined territory

Option B: Who share a common culture

Option C: Who have different cultures

Option D: a& b both

Correct Answer: a& b both

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