
Work, Government And The Economy MCQs

Option A: deindustrialization

Option B: downsizing

Option C: post industrialization

Option D: “banana time”

Correct Answer: deindustrialization

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Option A: force influence and authority

Option B: force influence and democracy

Option C: force legitimacy and charisma

Option D: influence charisma and bureaucracy

Correct Answer: force influence and authority

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Option A: functionalist perspective

Option B: conflict perspective

Option C: interactionist perspective

Option D: labeling theory

Correct Answer: conflict perspective

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Option A: John Maynard Keynes

Option B: Adam Smith

Option C: Paul Samuelson

Option D: Arthur Scargill

Correct Answer: Adam Smith

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Option A: capitalism and communism

Option B: capitalism and socialism

Option C: socialism and communism

Option D: capitalism and dictatorships

Correct Answer: capitalism and socialism

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Option A: Karl Marx

Option B: Karl Marx and Emile Durkheim

Option C: Karl Marx and Max Weber

Option D: All three of them

Correct Answer: All three of them

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Option A: the belief that women control the private sphere

Option B: women increasing labor market participation

Option C: the allocation of men and women to different types of job

Option D: relations between men and women in the workplace

Correct Answer: the allocation of men and women to different types of job

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Option A: the unemployment rate has decreased significantly since the 1970s

Option B: the unemployment rate remains historically low

Option C: the unemployment rate remains historically high

Option D: the unemployment rate in not known

Correct Answer: the unemployment rate remains historically high

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Option A: services

Option B: industrial manufacture

Option C: agriculture

Option D: none of the above

Correct Answer: industrial manufacture

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Option A: anomie

Option B: pauperization

Option C: de-skilling

Option D: alienation

Correct Answer: alienation

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Option A: farming

Option B: service jobs

Option C: factory work

Option D: high-tech jobs

Correct Answer: factory work

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Option A: women

Option B: racial minorities

Option C: ethnic minorities

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: Joan of Arc

Option B: Malcolm X

Option C: Adolf Hitler

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: Emile Durkheim

Option B: Adam Smith

Option C: Friedrich Engels

Option D: the Marx Brothers

Correct Answer: Friedrich Engels

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Option A: socialism

Option B: feudalism

Option C: slavery

Option D: all of these

Correct Answer: socialism

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Option A: much of the workforce in now involved in physical production of goods

Option B: the economy is dominated by the constant flow of information and opinions

Option C: this is a phase of development beyond industrialism

Option D: investment in public education and software development is more significant

Correct Answer: much of the workforce in now involved in physical production of goods

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Option A: sabotage

Option B: strike

Option C: overtime ban

Option D: work to rule (working only ones contracted hours noting more or less)

Correct Answer: strike

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Option A: work where no money changes hands

Option B: the activities of small businesses

Option C: transactions outside the sphere of regular employment

Option D: organizations with less rigid rules and procedures

Correct Answer: transactions outside the sphere of regular employment

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Option A: the division of household labor

Option B: occupational segregation

Option C: the wage gap in favor of men

Option D: women’s concentration in part-time jobs

Correct Answer: the division of household labor

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Option A: high risk systems

Option B: high trust systems

Option C: low trust systems

Option D: low risk systems

Correct Answer: low trust systems

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Option A: the casual economy

Option B: the parallel economy

Option C: the black economy

Option D: the informal economy

Correct Answer: the casual economy

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