
Asp.net MCQs

Option A: Display

Option B: Page_Load

Option C: Render

Option D: The Prerender

Correct Answer: Render

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Option A: Session.Exit

Option B: Session.Close( )

Option C: Session.Discard( )

Option D: Session.Abandon

Correct Answer: Session.Abandon

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Option A: Transfers all the form data to test.aspx with HTTP headers

Option B: Transfers all the form data to test.aspx with out HTTP headers

Option C: Calls post method on test.aspx

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Transfers all the form data to test.aspx with HTTP headers

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Option A: Code is separated from the HTML and interpreted Code is interpreted separately

Option B: Scripting is separated from the HTML, Code is compiled as a DLL, the DLLs can be executed on server

Option C: Scripting is separated from the HTML, Code is interpreted seperately

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Code is separated from the HTML and interpreted Code is interpreted separately

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Option A: RangeValidator

Option B: PatternValidator

Option C: RegularExpressionValidator

Option D: FieldValidator

Correct Answer: RegularExpressionValidator

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Option A: HTML

Option B: WML

Option C: JSP

Option D: XML

Correct Answer: HTML

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Option A: Call FOCUS method


Option C: Call SETFOCUS

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Call FOCUS method

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Option A: Threading

Option B: AppDomain

Option C: RCW

Option D: Serialization

Correct Answer: Serialization

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Option A: Top-down

Option B: Bottom-up

Option C: Waterfall

Option D: Pipeline

Correct Answer: Pipeline

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C. Both A and B
D. None of these

Correct Answer: Both A and B

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Option A: The access is restricted only to ASP.NET files

Option B: The access is restricted only to static files and non-ASP.NET resources.

Option C: Both A and B

Option D: None of the Above

Correct Answer: The access is restricted only to ASP.NET files

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Option A: Page Class

Option B: Master Page

Option C: Session Class

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Page Class

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Option A: XmlSettings

Option B: XmlConvert

Option C: XmlCast

Option D: XmlType

Correct Answer: XmlConvert

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Option A: page_laod event in aspx page

Option B: page_load event in code-behind

Option C: both will run simultaneously

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: page_load event in code-behind

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Option A: The default time interval is 5 minutes

Option B: Programmers has to take care of delete sessions after configurable timeout interval

Option C: ASP.NET automatically delete sessions after configurable timeout interval

Option D: None of the Above

Correct Answer: ASP.NET automatically delete sessions after configurable timeout interval

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Option A: Reflection

Option B: Binding

Option C: Serialization

Option D: Enumeration

Correct Answer: Reflection

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Option A: System.Activator

Option B: ProxyWebPartManager

Option C: WebPartManager

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: ProxyWebPartManager

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Option A: Application objects

Option B: Session objects

Option C: ViewState

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: Global variable

Option B: Cookies

Option C: Database

Option D: Database

Correct Answer: Cookies

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Option A: CurrentUICulture

Option B: CurrentCulture

Option C: All of the above

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: CurrentCulture

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Option A: To create a customized control that needs to display data in a tabular fashion

Option B: To create and populate a Table in Design view

Option C: To create and populate a Table with images

Option D: To display a tabular result set

Correct Answer: To create a customized control that needs to display data in a tabular fashion

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Option A: equals() method

Option B: RegularExpressionValidator

Option C: RequiredFieldValidator

Option D: CompareValidator

Correct Answer: CompareValidator

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Option A: Implement application and session level events

Option B: Declare Global variables

Option C: No use

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: Implement application and session level events

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Option A: System.Data.Interfaces

Option B: System.Data.Connection

Option C: System.Data.Common

Option D: System.Data

Correct Answer: System.Data.Connection

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Option A: Server.CreateObject(“Scripting.FileSystemObject”)

Option B: Create Object:”Scripting.FileSystemObject”

Option C: Server.CreateObject(“FileSystemObject”)

Option D: Create(“FileSystemObject”)

Correct Answer: A. Server.CreateObject(“Scripting.FileSystemObject”)

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Option A: .Aspx

Option B: .Asmx

Option C: .Ascx

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: .Asmx

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Option A: Windows XP Professional

Option B: Windows 2000

Option C: Both A and B

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Both A and B

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D. None of these

Correct Answer: B.

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Correct Answer: C.

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Option A: Returns the Virtual Path of the web folder

Option B: Maps the specified virtual path to Physical path

Option C: Returns the physical file path that corresponds to virtual specified path

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: Returns the physical file path that corresponds to virtual specified path

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Option A: ControlToValidate property

Option B: Text property

Option C: Both A and B

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Both A and B

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Option A: Open

Option B: ExecuteScalar

Option C: ExecuteReader

Option D: ExecuteStream

Correct Answer: Open

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Option A: Web Server Descriptor Language

Option B: Web Server Description Language

Option C: Web Services Description Language

Option D: Web Services Descriptor Language

Correct Answer: Web Services Description Language

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Option A: Fill( )

Option B: Read( )

Option C: ExecuteQuery( )

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Fill( )

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Option A: Set AutoGenerateColumns Property to true on the datagrid tag

Option B: Set AutoGenerateColumns Property to false on the datagrid tag

Option C: Set AutomaunalColumns Property to true on the datagrid tag

Option D: It is not possible to do the operation

Correct Answer: Set AutoGenerateColumns Property to false on the datagrid tag

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Option A: CompareValidator

Option B: DataList

Option C: Listview

Option D: GridView

Correct Answer: CompareValidator

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Option A: CLR

Option B: RMT

Option C: RC

Option D: RCT

Correct Answer: CLR

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Option A: maxWorkerThreads

Option B: requestQueue limit

Option C: maxIdThreads

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: Extended expressions

Option B: Irregular expressions

Option C: Regular expressions

Option D: Basic expressions

Correct Answer: Regular expressions

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Option A: Httphandler is an event handler and httpmodule is module to do some task

Option B: Httphandler is an class and Httpmodule is an assembly

Option C: All of the above

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Httphandler is an class and Httpmodule is an assembly

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Option A: 10 sec

Option B: 20 sec

Option C: 20 min

Option D: 40 min

Correct Answer: 20 min

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Option A: Private

Option B: no-cache

Option C: Public

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: WindowsPrincipal

Option B: WindowDatset

Option C: Serialization

Option D: None of the Above

Correct Answer: WindowsPrincipal

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Option A: Use View State

Option B: Use URL munging

Option C: Disable ViewState and use Session State

Option D: Disable View State and don’t use session state

Correct Answer: D. Disable View State and don’t use session state

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Option A: 1

Option B: 2

Option C: 3

Option D: More than 3

Correct Answer: 3

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Option A: GetType

Option B: GetTypes

Option C: Both A and B

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Both A and B

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Option A: ASP.NET is a major upgrade over ASP

Option B: ASP+ and ASP.NET refer to the same thing

Option C: ASP.NET applications run without a Web Server

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: None of these

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Option A: element

Option B: element

Option C: element

Option D: element

Correct Answer: element

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Option A: Hello world

Option B: Hello

Option C: C

Option D: World

Correct Answer: C

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Option A: ValidateControl

Option B: ControlToValidate

Option C: ControlToBind

Option D: Validate

Correct Answer: ControlToValidate

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D. None of the above

Correct Answer: B.

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Option A: Maps the specified absolute path to virtual path

Option B: Maps the specified virtual path to a physical path

Option C: All of the above

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Maps the specified virtual path to a physical path

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Option A: Maintain the login state security through a View State.

Option B: Maintain the login state security through a Session.

Option C: Maintain the login state security through a database.

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: Maintain the login state security through a database.

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Option A: .NET Remoting

Option B: .NET Threading

Option C: .NET RMT

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: .NET Threading

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Option A: StateServer

Option B: SQL Server

Option C: InProc

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: Client-side code

Option B: Server-side code

Option C: Both A and B

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Server-side code

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Option A: DataCaching

Option B: Output Caching

Option C: Both A and B

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: DataCaching

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Option A: GacSvr32.exe

Option B: GacUtil.exe

Option C: GacMgr.exe

Option D: RegSvr.exe

Correct Answer: GacUtil.exe

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Option A: User

Option B: Table

Option C: Form

Option D: Windows

Correct Answer: Windows

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Option A: Request object

Option B: Hidden fields

Option C: View state

Option D: Cookies

Correct Answer: Request object

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Option A: SQLIIS.dll

Option B: LISXML.dll

Option C: SQLISAPI.dll

Option D: SQLXML.dll

Correct Answer: SQLISAPI.dll

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Option A: System.Web.Form

Option B: System.Web.UI.Form

Option C: System.Web.GUI.Page

Option D: System.Web.UI.Page

Correct Answer: System.Web.UI.Page

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Option A: To configure the web server

Option B: To configure the web browser

Option C: Configures the time that the server-side codebehind module is called

Option D: To store the global information and variable definitions for the application

Correct Answer: To store the global information and variable definitions for the application

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Option A: Response object

Option B: Application object

Option C: Session object

Option D: Server object

Correct Answer: Application object

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Option A: Page_Load()

Option B: Page_Init()

Option C: Page_click()

Option D: Page_doubleclick()

Correct Answer: Page_Init()

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Option A: 10 mins

Option B: 20 mins

Option C: 2 mins

Option D: Exists for the Life of the current page

Correct Answer: Exists for the Life of the current page

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Option A: Microsoft SQL Server

Option B: Session State Service

Option C: In-process storage

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: needs to be available to the public

Option B: must be platform-independent

Option C: has a thin front end (client)

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: Include the deny element.

Option B: Include the identity element.

Option C: Include the authorization element.

Option D: Include the authentication element

Correct Answer: Include the authorization element.

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Option A: Webforms

Option B: Winforms

Option C: HTMLForms

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Webforms

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Option A: aspnet_wp.exe

Option B: aspnet_isapi.dll

Option C: inetinfo.exe

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: aspnet_wp.exe

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Option A: Yes

Option B: No

Option C: May be

Option D: Confuse

Correct Answer: Yes

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Option A: VBScript

Option B: EcmaScript

Option C: JavaScript

Option D: PERL

Correct Answer: VBScript

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Option A: After the webform loads

Option B: Before Page_init event of web form

Option C: After the page_init event of webform

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: After the webform loads

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Option A: By Debugging

Option B: Can not be done

Option C: By Tracing

Option D: By Stopping

Correct Answer: Can not be done

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Option A: DataList

Option B: Button

Option C: Panel

Option D: None of the Above

Correct Answer: DataList

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Option A: pipeline

Option B: Handler

Option C: IHttpHandlerFactory

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Handler

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Option A: single-file

Option B: code-behind

Option C: Both A and B

Option D: None of the Above

Correct Answer: Both A and B

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