
Dependability And Security MCQs

A. True
B. False

Explanation: Static analysis techniques are system verification techniques that don’t involve executing a program.

Correct Answer: False

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Option A: Formal verification

Option B: Model checking

Option C: Automated program analysis

Option D: All of the mentioned

Correct Answer: All of the mentioned

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Option A: Model checking is particularly valuable for verifying concurrent systems

Option B: Model checking is computationally very inexpensive

Option C: The model checker explores all possible paths through the model

Option D: All of the mentioned

Correct Answer: Model checking is computationally very inexpensive

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Option A: Asset

Option B: Threat

Option C: Vulnerability

Option D: Control

Correct Answer: Asset

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Option A: Concurrent systems can be analysed to discover race conditions that might lead to deadlock

Option B: Producing a mathematical specification requires a detailed analysis of the requirements

Option C: They require the use of specialised notations that cannot be understood by domain experts

Option D: All of the mentioned

Correct Answer: They require the use of specialised notations that cannot be understood by domain experts

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Option A: Control Faults

Option B: Data Faults

Option C: Input/Output Faults

Option D: Interface faults

Correct Answer: Data Faults

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Option A: Storage management faults

Option B: Data Faults

Option C: Input/Output Faults

Option D: Interface faults

Correct Answer: Interface faults

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Option A: Characteristic error checking

Option B: User-defined error checking

Option C: Assertion checking

Option D: All of the mentioned

Correct Answer: User-defined error checking

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Option A: Control Faults

Option B: Data Faults

Option C: Input/Output Faults

Option D: Interface faults

Correct Answer: Control Faults

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A. True
B. False

Explanation: The static analyzer can discover areas of vulnerability such as buffer overflows or unchecked inputs

Correct Answer: True

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Option A: Storage management faults

Option B: Data Faults

Option C: Input/Output Faults

Option D: Interface faults

Correct Answer: Storage management faults

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A. True
B. False

Explanation: It is a security attack.

Correct Answer: False

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Option A: Attack

Option B: Threat

Option C: Vulnerability

Option D: Control

Correct Answer: Threat

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Option A: Asset

Option B: Control

Option C: Vulnerability

Option D: None of the mentioned

Correct Answer: Asset

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Option A: Risk assessment before the system has been deployed

Option B: Risk assessment while the system is being developed

Option C: All of the mentioned

Option D: None of the mentioned

Correct Answer: All of the mentioned

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A. True
B. False

Explanation: Security engineering is concerned with maintenance as well as development of such systems.

Correct Answer: False

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Option A: Fault avoidance

Option B: Fault tolerance

Option C: Fault detection

Option D: Fault Recovery

Correct Answer: Fault avoidance

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Option A: Controls that are intended to ensure that attacks are unsuccessful

Option B: Controls that are intended to detect and repel attacks

Option C: Controls that are intended to support recovery from problems

Option D: All of the mentioned

Correct Answer: All of the mentioned

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Option A: Platform-level protection

Option B: Application-level protection

Option C: Record-level protection

Option D: All of the mentioned

Correct Answer: All of the mentioned

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Option A: Limit the visibility of information in a program

Option B: Check array bounds

Option C: Check all inputs for validity

Option D: None of the mentioned

Correct Answer: Check array bounds

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Option A: System to stop a train if it passes a red light

Option B: System to indicate not returning of the library book

Option C: System to shut down a reactor if temperature/pressure are too high

Option D: None of the mentioned

Correct Answer: System to indicate not returning of the library book

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A. True
B. False

Explanation: Exception handling is a mechanism to provide some fault tolerance.

Correct Answer: False

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Option A: Check that the input does not exceed some maximum size e.g. 40 characters for a name

Option B: Check that the input falls within a known range

Option C: Use information about the input to check if it is reasonable rather than an extreme value

Option D: None of the mentioned

Correct Answer: Check that the input falls within a known range

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A. True
B. False

Explanation: The answer is self explanatory.

Correct Answer: True

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Option A: Fault Avoidance

Option B: Fault detection

Option C: Fault tolerance

Option D: None of the mentioned

Correct Answer: Fault tolerance

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Option A: Fault Avoidance

Option B: Fault detection

Option C: Fault tolerance

Option D: None of the mentioned

Correct Answer: Fault Avoidance

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Option A: Different programming languages

Option B: Different design methods and tools

Option C: Explicit specification of different algorithms

Option D: All of the mentioned

Correct Answer: All of the mentioned

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Option A: Diverse

Option B: Documentable

Option C: Auditable

Option D: None of the mentioned

Correct Answer: Auditable

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Option A: Medical Systems

Option B: Power Systems

Option C: Library Management

Option D: Telecommunications

Correct Answer: Library Management

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Option A: Loss of service

Option B: Incorrect service delivery

Option C: System/data corruption

Option D: None of the mentioned

Correct Answer: System/data corruption

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Option A: Preliminary risk analysis

Option B: Life-cycle risk analysis

Option C: Operational risk analysis

Option D: All of the mentioned

Correct Answer: Life-cycle risk analysis

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Option A: POFOD

Option B: ROCOF

Option C: AVAIL

Option D: None of the mentioned

Correct Answer: ROCOF

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A. True
B. False

Explanation: To specify security requirements, one should identify the assets that are to be dealt with.

Correct Answer: False

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Option A: Checking requirements

Option B: Recovery requirements

Option C: Redundancy requirements

Option D: Ambiguous requirements

Correct Answer: Recovery requirements

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Option A: Checking requirements

Option B: Recovery requirements

Option C: Redundancy requirements

Option D: Ambiguous requirements

Correct Answer: Ambiguous requirements

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Option A: Possibility of failure of data

Option B: Probability of failure of data

Option C: Possibility of failure on demand

Option D: Probability of failure on demand

Correct Answer: Probability of failure on demand

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Option A: three

Option B: four

Option C: five

Option D: six

Correct Answer: four

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Option A: Human error or mistake

Option B: System fault

Option C: System error

Option D: System failure

Correct Answer: System failure

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Option A: Loss of service

Option B: Incorrect service delivery

Option C: System/data corruption

Option D: None of the mentioned

Correct Answer: Loss of service

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Option A: Vulnerability

Option B: Attack

Option C: Threat

Option D: Exposure

Correct Answer: Vulnerability

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Option A: risk

Option B: control

Option C: attack

Option D: asset

Correct Answer: control

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Option A: Risk

Option B: Hazard probability

Option C: Hazard severity

Option D: Mishap

Correct Answer: Hazard severity

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Option A: Human error or mistake

Option B: System fault

Option C: System error

Option D: System failure

Correct Answer: System error

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A. True
B. False

Explanation: None.

Correct Answer: True

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Option A: Hazard avoidance

Option B: Damage limitation

Option C: Hazard detection

Option D: Hazard detection and removal

Correct Answer: Hazard detection

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Option A: Hazard avoidance

Option B: Damage limitation

Option C: Hazard detection

Option D: Hazard detection and removal

Correct Answer: Damage limitation

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Option A: Human error or mistake

Option B: System fault

Option C: System error

Option D: System failure

Correct Answer: System fault

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Option A: Risk

Option B: Hazard probability

Option C: Accident

Option D: Damage

Correct Answer: Risk

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