
Design And Implementation MCQs

Option A: system context model

Option B: interaction model

Option C: environmental model

Option D: both system context and interaction

Correct Answer: interaction model

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Option A: system context model

Option B: interaction model

Option C: environmental model

Option D: both system context and interaction

Correct Answer: system context model

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Option A: Designing system architecture

Option B: Developing design models

Option C: Specifying interfaces

Option D: Developing a debugging system

Correct Answer: Developing a debugging system

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Option A: Reconfigure

Option B: Shutdown

Option C: Powersave

Option D: All of the mentioned

Correct Answer: All of the mentioned

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Option A: Sequence model

Option B: Subsystem model

Option C: Dynamic model

Option D: Both Sequence and Dynamic model

Correct Answer: Sequence model

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Option A: tangible entities

Option B: scenario-based analysis

Option C: design-based analysis

Option D: none of the mentioned

Correct Answer: scenario-based analysis

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Option A: restart()

Option B: reconfigure()

Option C: powerSave()

Option D: all of the mentioned

Correct Answer: all of the mentioned

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Option A: Sequence model

Option B: Subsystem model

Option C: Dynamic model

Option D: Structural model

Correct Answer: Structural model

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Option A: signalStatus()

Option B: remoteControl()

Option C: reconfigure()

Option D: reportStatus()

Correct Answer: reportStatus()

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Option A: data flow

Option B: process specification

Option C: control specification

Option D: data store

Correct Answer: process specification

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Option A: data object

Option B: attributes

Option C: relationships

Option D: all of the mentioned

Correct Answer: all of the mentioned

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Option A: describing the customer complaints

Option B: establishing a basis for the creation of a software design

Option C: defining a set of requirements that can be validated once the software is built

Option D: none of the mentioned

Correct Answer: none of the mentioned

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Option A: data flow diagram

Option B: state transition diagram

Option C: control specification diagram

Option D: workflow diagram

Correct Answer: state transition diagram

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Option A: data object

Option B: attributes

Option C: relationships

Option D: data object and attributes

Correct Answer: attributes

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Option A: modality

Option B: cardinality

Option C: entity

Option D: structured analysis

Correct Answer: modality

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Option A: data flow diagram

Option B: state transition diagram

Option C: control specification

Option D: workflow diagram

Correct Answer: control specification

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Option A: data flow diagram

Option B: state transition diagram

Option C: control specification

Option D: workflow diagram

Correct Answer: state transition diagram

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Option A: data flow diagram

Option B: state transition diagram

Option C: control specification

Option D: activity diagram

Correct Answer: data flow diagram

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Option A: sequence

Option B: condition

Option C: repetition

Option D: selection

Correct Answer: selection

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Option A: program design language

Option B: structured English

Option C: pseudocode

Option D: all of the mentioned

Correct Answer: all of the mentioned

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Option A: Implements some functionality

Option B: Has explicit dependencies through provides and required interfaces

Option C: Communicates through its interfaces only

Option D: All of the mentioned

Correct Answer: All of the mentioned

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Option A: List all actions that can be associated with a specific procedure

Option B: List all conditions during execution of the procedure

Option C: Define rules by indicating what action(s) occurs for a set of conditions

Option D: All of the mentioned

Correct Answer: All of the mentioned

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Option A: Data representation

Option B: Logic verification

Option C: “Code-to” ability

Option D: Automatic processing

Correct Answer: Data representation

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Option A: State transition diagram

Option B: Box diagram

Option C: ER diagram

Option D: None of the mentioned

Correct Answer: Box diagram

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Option A: functional domain

Option B: arbitrary transfer of control is impossible

Option C: recursion is easy to represent

Option D: providing a notation that translates actions and conditions

Correct Answer: providing a notation that translates actions and conditions

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Option A: repeat until

Option B: condition

Option C: do while tests

Option D: if then-else

Correct Answer: repeat until

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Option A: Repetition

Option B: Sequence

Option C: Condition

Option D: None of the mentioned

Correct Answer: Sequence

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Option A: Provide for flexible interaction

Option B: Allow user interaction to be interrupt-able and undo-able

Option C: Show technical internals from the casual user

Option D: Design for direct interaction with objects that appear on the screen

Correct Answer: Show technical internals from the casual user

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Option A: Machine readability

Option B: Maintainability

Option C: Structure enforcement

Option D: Overall simplicity

Correct Answer: Machine readability

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Option A: Place the user in control

Option B: Reduce the user’s memory load

Option C: Make the interface consistent

Option D: All of the mentioned

Correct Answer: All of the mentioned

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Option A: User, task, and environment analysis and modeling

Option B: Interface design

Option C: Knowledgeable, frequent users

Option D: Interface validation

Correct Answer: Knowledgeable, frequent users

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Option A: the design of interfaces between software components

Option B: the design of interfaces between the software and human producers and consumers of information

Option C: the design of the interface between two computers

Option D: all of the mentioned

Correct Answer: the design of the interface between two computers

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Option A: design model

Option B: user’s model

Option C: mental image

Option D: system image

Correct Answer: design model

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Option A: short-term memory

Option B: shortcuts

Option C: objects that appear on the screen

Option D: all of the mentioned

Correct Answer: short-term memory

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Option A: keyboard commands

Option B: mouse movement

Option C: voice recognition commands

Option D: all of the mentioned

Correct Answer: all of the mentioned

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Option A: design model

Option B: user’s model

Option C: mental image

Option D: system image

Correct Answer: user’s model

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Option A: Test Plan

Option B: Test Design Specification

Option C: Test Case Specification

Option D: Test Log

Correct Answer: Test Log

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Option A: Test plan

Option B: Test case

Option C: Test document

Option D: Test Suite

Correct Answer: Test case

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Option A: mental image

Option B: interface design

Option C: system image

Option D: interface validation

Correct Answer: system image

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Option A: All Statements Coverage

Option B: Control Structure Coverage

Option C: Cause-Effect Graphs

Option D: All Paths Coverage

Correct Answer: Cause-Effect Graphs

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Option A: Unit Testing

Option B: Integration Testing

Option C: Acceptance Testing

Option D: Regression Testing

Correct Answer: Integration Testing

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Option A: Verified Version

Option B: Version Validation

Option C: Verification and Validation

Option D: Version Verification

Correct Answer: Verification and Validation

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Option A: Regression Test

Option B: Smoke Test

Option C: Alpha Test

Option D: Beta Test

Correct Answer: Regression Test

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Option A: Boundary value testing

Option B: Equivalence class partitioning

Option C: Boundary value testing AND Equivalence class partitioning

Option D: Decision tables

Correct Answer: Equivalence class partitioning

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Option A: When resources (time and budget) are over

Option B: When some coverage is reached

Option C: When quality criterion is reached

Option D: Testing never ends

Correct Answer: When quality criterion is reached

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Option A: Test case generation

Option B: Test case design

Option C: ALL of the mentioned

Option D: None of the mentioned

Correct Answer: ALL of the mentioned

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Option A: Abstraction-Occurrence Pattern

Option B: Player-Role Pattern

Option C: General Hierarchy Pattern

Option D: Singleton Pattern

Correct Answer: Player-Role Pattern

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Option A: encapsulating the knowledge of which document subclass to is to be created and

Option B: moving this knowledge out of the framework

Option C: instantiating the application specific documents without knowing their class

Option D: all of the mentioned

Correct Answer: all of the mentioned

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Option A: Singleton pattern

Option B: Facade Pattern

Option C: Observer pattern

Option D: Factory method pattern

Correct Answer: Observer pattern

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Option A: Factory Method

Option B: Singleton

Option C: Observer

Option D: None of the mentioned

Correct Answer: Singleton

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Option A: Behavioral

Option B: Structural

Option C: Abstract Factory

Option D: All of the mentioned

Correct Answer: All of the mentioned

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Option A: patterns

Option B: documents

Option C: structures

Option D: methods

Correct Answer: patterns

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Option A: Adapter Pattern

Option B: Singleton Pattern

Option C: Delegation pattern

Option D: Immutable Pattern

Correct Answer: Delegation pattern

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Option A: Product Requirement Document

Option B: Project Requirement Document

Option C: Product Restrictions Document

Option D: None of the mentioned

Correct Answer: Product Requirement Document

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Option A: Component-based software engineering

Option B: Reusability in general

Option C: All of the mentioned

Option D: None of the mentioned

Correct Answer: All of the mentioned

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Option A: Inheritance

Option B: Composition

Option C: All of the mentioned

Option D: None of the mentioned

Correct Answer: All of the mentioned

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Option A: six

Option B: seven

Option C: eight

Option D: nine

Correct Answer: nine

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Option A: Sequence Diagram + Collaboration Diagram

Option B: Activity Diagram + State Chart Diagram

Option C: Deployment Diagram + Collaboration Diagram

Option D: None of the mentioned

Correct Answer: Sequence Diagram + Collaboration Diagram

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Option A: Sequence Diagram

Option B: Collaboration Diagram

Option C: Class Diagram

Option D: Object Diagram

Correct Answer: Object Diagram

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Option A: Collaboration

Option B: Use case

Option C: State chart

Option D: Activity

Correct Answer: Use case

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Option A: Association

Option B: Aggregation

Option C: Realization

Option D: Generalization

Correct Answer: Association

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Option A: Structural things

Option B: Behavioral things

Option C: Grouping things

Option D: Annotational things

Correct Answer: Structural things

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Option A: Structural things

Option B: Behavioral things

Option C: Grouping things

Option D: Annotational things

Correct Answer: Behavioral things

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Option A: Use Case

Option B: Actor

Option C: Interface

Option D: Relationship

Correct Answer: Interface

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Option A: object

Option B: attribute

Option C: operation

Option D: instance

Correct Answer: operation

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Option A: Activity

Option B: Sequence

Option C: Collaboration

Option D: Class

Correct Answer: Sequence

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Option A: Activity diagram

Option B: Sequence diagram

Option C: Statechart diagram

Option D: Object diagram

Correct Answer: Statechart diagram

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Option A: Structural things

Option B: Behavioral things

Option C: Grouping things

Option D: Annotational things

Correct Answer: Annotational things

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Option A: Object

Option B: State

Option C: Interface

Option D: None of the mentioned

Correct Answer: State

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Option A: Deployment diagram

Option B: Component diagram

Option C: Node diagram

Option D: ER-diagram

Correct Answer: Deployment diagram

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Option A: A node

Option B: An interface

Option C: An activity

Option D: None of the mentioned

Correct Answer: A node

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Option A: Things

Option B: Relationships

Option C: Diagrams

Option D: All of the mentioned

Correct Answer: All of the mentioned

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Option A: Interaction diagrams are at their best when they deal with one main design flow and not multiple variants that can happen

Option B: Interaction diagrams are good at designing part or all of one use case’s functionality across multiple objects

Option C: Interaction diagrams allow the analyst to show iteration and conditional execution for messaging between objects

Option D: All of the mentioned

Correct Answer: All of the mentioned

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Option A: operations only

Option B: attributes only

Option C: both operations and attributes

Option D: none of the mentioned

Correct Answer: attributes only

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Option A: An object is an instance of a class

Option B: An object includes encapsulation of data

Option C: An object is not an instance of a class

Option D: All of the mentioned

Correct Answer: An object is an instance of a class

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Option A: A class that has direct instances, but whose descendants may have direct instances

Option B: A class that has direct instances, but whose descendants may not have direct instances

Option C: A class that has no direct instances, but whose descendants may have direct instances

Option D: All of the mentioned

Correct Answer: A class that has no direct instances, but whose descendants may have direct instances

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Option A: They can be used to discover parallel activities

Option B: They are used to depict workflow for a particular business activity

Option C: Activity diagram do not tell who does what and are difficult to trace back to object models

Option D: All of the mentioned

Correct Answer: All of the mentioned

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Option A: Generalization

Option B: Include

Option C: Extend

Option D: All of the mentioned

Correct Answer: All of the mentioned

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Option A: specify required services for types of objects

Option B: program in Java, but not in C++ or Smalltalk

Option C: define executable logic to reuse across classes

Option D: define an API for all classes

Correct Answer: specify required services for types of objects

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