
Sampling MCQs

Option A: Nonoverlapped

Option B: Overlapped

Option C: Same

Option D: Not equal

Correct Answer: Nonoverlapped

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Option A: Individuals

Option B: Whole

Option C: Universe

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Universe

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Option A: Sampling

Option B: Allocation

Option C: Estimate

Option D: Population

Correct Answer: Allocation

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Option A: Census

Option B: Complete enumeration

Option C: Survey

Option D: Both A & B

Correct Answer: D. Both A & B

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Option A: Survey

Option B: Sampling

Option C: Census

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Census

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Option A: Cluster sampling

Option B: Stratified sampling 

Option C: Simple random sampling

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Stratified sampling 

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Option A: Close another

Option B: Far a part

Option C: Mixed

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Far a part

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Option A: Normal because is always approximately normally distributed

Option B: Normal because the sample size is small in comparison to the population size

Option C: Normal because of the central limit theorem

Option D: None of these alternatives is correct.

Correct Answer: Normal because of the central limit theorem

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Option A: Standard error of statistics

Option B: Sampling error of statistics

Option C: Sampling distribution of statistics

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Standard error of statistics

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Option A: Sometimes normal for all sample sizes

Option B: Sometimes normal for large sample sizes

Option C: Always normal for all sample sizes

Option D: Always normal for large sample sizes

Correct Answer: Always normal for large sample sizes

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Option A: Probabilistic sampling

Option B: Stratified sampling

Option C: No probabilistic sampling

Option D: Cluster sampling

Correct Answer: No probabilistic sampling

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Option A: Random digit

Option B: Stratification

Option C: Random Sampling

Option D: Cluster

Correct Answer: Stratification

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Option A: 4

Option B: 8

Option C: 16

Option D: 32

Correct Answer: 16

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Option A: Increases the Standard error

Option B: Decreases the Standard error

Option C: Decreases the Standard error

Option D: Both (a) and (b)

Correct Answer: Both (a) and (b)

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Option A: Increasing the sample size

Option B: Decreasing the sample size

Option C: Increasing population s.d.

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Increasing the sample size

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Option A: Only once

Option B: More than once

Option C: Less than once

Option D: None

Correct Answer: More than once

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Option A: Point

Option B: w.r.m

Option C: w.o.r

Option D: unit

Correct Answer: w.o.r

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Option A: Systematic

Option B: Cluster

Option C: Stratified

Option D: Judgment

Correct Answer: Judgment

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Option A: Biased sampling

Option B: Non-prob.sampling

Option C: Less than sampling

Option D: Representative sampling

Correct Answer: Non-prob.sampling

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Option A: A sample

Option B: A sample statistic

Option C: A population

Option D: A population parameter

Correct Answer: A sample

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Option A: Random sampling

Option B: Non-random sampling

Option C: Prob.Sampling

Option D: Sampling with replacement

Correct Answer: Non-random sampling

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Option A: Sampling

Option B: Parameter

Option C: Data

Option D: Sampling distribution

Correct Answer: Sampling

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Option A: Group

Option B: Finite

Option C: Un-finite

Option D: Correction

Correct Answer: Finite

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Option A: Sampling process

Option B: Sampling unit

Option C: Sampling

Option D: Size

Correct Answer: Sampling

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Option A: Non-random sampling

Option B: Increasing the population

Option C: Decreasing the sample size

Option D: Increasing the sample size

Correct Answer: Increasing the sample size

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Option A: Increasing the sample size

Option B: Reduced the amount of data

Option C: Decreasing the sample standard deviation

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Reduced the amount of data

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Option A: Population distribution is normal

Option B: μ1 = μx

Option C: Population distribution is uniform

Option D: σx = σx /√n

Correct Answer: Population distribution is normal

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Option A: Simple random sampling

Option B: Systematic sampling

Option C: Quota sampling

Option D: Census

Correct Answer: Census

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Option A: Destructive tests

Option B: Heterogeneous data

Option C: To make voters lists

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: To make voters lists

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Option A: Same as the standard error of the mean

Option B: Difference between the value of the sample mean and the value of the population mean

Option C: Error caused by selecting a bad sample

Option D: Standard deviation multiplied by the sample size

Correct Answer: Difference between the value of the sample mean and the value of the population mean

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Option A: Sample

Option B: Data

Option C: Population

Option D: None

Correct Answer: Sample

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Option A: Approximately normal because is always approximately normally distributed

Option B: Approximately normal because the sample size is large in comparsion to the population size

Option C: Approximately normal because of the central limit theorem

Option D: Normal if the population is normally distributed

Correct Answer: Normal if the population is normally distributed

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Option A: Approximately normal because the sample size is small relative to the population size

Option B: Approximately normal because of the central limit theorem

Option C: Exactly

Option D: None of these alternatives is correct

Correct Answer: None of these alternatives is correct

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Option A: Bias

Option B: Standard

Option C: Sampling error

Option D: both (a) and (b)

Correct Answer: Sampling error

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Option A: 26/√n√N – n/N – 1

Option B: σ/√n√N – n/N – 1

Option C: 26/√n N – n/N – 1

Option D: 26/√n

Correct Answer: 26/√n

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Option A: Serious error

Option B: Dispersion

Option C: Standard error

Option D: Difference

Correct Answer: Standard error

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Option A: Unknown

Option B: Large

Option C: Small

Option D: Know

Correct Answer: Know

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Option A: Four

Option B: Six

Option C: Three

Option D: Seven

Correct Answer: Four

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Option A: Sampling frame

Option B: Sampling units

Option C: Sample pop

Option D: Sample design

Correct Answer: Sampling units

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Option A: Only Once

Option B: More than once

Option C: Less than once

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Only Once

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Option A: Only when the sample size is at least 100.

Option B: Only when the sample size is smaller than 30

Option C: Always

Option D: Only when the sample size is at least 30.

Correct Answer: Always

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Option A: All People living in a country

Option B: All People living in the are under study

Option C: All subjects or objects whose characteristics are being studied

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: All subjects or objects whose characteristics are being studied

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Option A: Samples

Option B: Primary

Option C: Two

Option D: Complete study

Correct Answer: Samples

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Option A: A portion of the sample

Option B: A portion of the population

Option C: All the items under investigation

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: A portion of the population

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