
Statistical Inference MCQs

Option A: Qualitative

Option B: Ranked

Option C: Both a and b

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Both a and b

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Option A: Sign test

Option B: Wilcoxon sign rank test

Option C: Median test

Option D: Kruskal Wallis test 

Correct Answer: Kruskal Wallis test 

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Option A: Increase

Option B: Decrease

Option C: Yes

Option D: No

Correct Answer: No

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Option A: Posterior Bay’s estimator

Option B: Minimax estimator

Option C: Bay’s estimator

Option D: Sufficient estimator

Correct Answer: A. Posterior Bay’s estimator

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Option A: Kruskal Wallis Test

Option B: Mann-Whitney U test

Option C: Wilcoxon signed rank test

Option D: Sign test

Correct Answer: Mann-Whitney U test

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Option A: Sign test

Option B: None of these

Option C: Runs test

Option D: D Mann-Whitney U test

Correct Answer: Runs test

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Option A: The Mann-Whitney test

Option B: The Kruskal-Wallis test

Option C: The Wilcoxon Signed Rank test

Option D: The Kolmogorove-Simirnor test

Correct Answer: The Kolmogorove-Simirnor test

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Option A: Sign test

Option B: Wilcoxon Signed Rank

Option C: Kruskal-Wallis

Option D: Runs test

Correct Answer: Sign test

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Option A: Any number of populations

Option B: A sample mean to the population mean

Option C: Two populations

Option D: Three populations

Correct Answer: Two populations

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Option A: Kolmogorov-Smirnor test

Option B: Wilcoxon Rank-Sum test

Option C: Spearman Rank Correlation test

Option D: Kruskal-Wallis test

Correct Answer: Kruskal-Wallis test

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Option A: The Wilcoxon Rank-Sum test

Option B: The Sign test

Option C: None of the above

Option D: Either of the above

Correct Answer: Either of the above

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Option A: There is an unusually large number of runs

Option B: There is an unusually small number of runs

Option C: None of these

Option D: Either of the above

Correct Answer: Either of the above

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Option A: The sampling distribution of the statistics assuming Null Hypothesis

Option B: calculations based on many actual repetitions of the same Experiment

Option C: The sampling distribution of the statistic assuming Alternative Hypothesis.

Option D: Non of these

Correct Answer: The sampling distribution of the statistic assuming Alternative Hypothesis.

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Option A: 0.025

Option B: 0.95

Option C: 0.05

Option D: Cannot be determined without more information

Correct Answer: Cannot be determined without more information

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Option A: n > 30

Option B: N(1 – p) > 5

Option C: 2 n 5

Option D: N < 30

Correct Answer: n > 30

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Option A: Standard Error of the Means

Option B: The t-ratio

Option C: Degrees of Freedom

Option D: All Above

Correct Answer: All Above

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Option A: Estimate

Option B: Test Statistics

Option C: Estimation

Option D: Sample

Correct Answer: Estimate

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Option A: Variances

Option B: Proportions

Option C: Only two parameters

Option D: Means

Correct Answer: Variances

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Option A: Unpredictable

Option B: A correct Decision

Option C: Type-II Error

Option D: Type-Error

Correct Answer: Type-II Error

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Option A: Constant

Option B: Variable

Option C: All of above

Option D: Non of these

Correct Answer: Constant

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Option A: Acceptance Region

Option B: Type-I error

Option C: Type-II Error

Option D: Rejection Region

Correct Answer: Acceptance Region

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Option A: β

Option B: α

Option C: (1 – α )

Option D: (1 – β)

Correct Answer: β

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Option A: Critical value

Option B: Confidence limits

Option C: Confidence boundaries

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Critical value

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Option A: 1 – ∞

Option B: β

Option C:

Option D: 1 – β

Correct Answer:

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Option A: 652 and . 728

Option B: .314 and .652

Option C: .798 and .745

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: 652 and . 728

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A. u = 20
B. u ≠ 20
C. u 20

Correct Answer: u = 20

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Option A: ux – x2

Option B: u1 – u2

Option C: 6x – x2

Option D: 6×2 – x2

Correct Answer: B. u1 – u2

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Option A: x±1.65 6/√n

Option B: u±1.95 S/√n

Option C: x±1.96 6/√n

Option D: ±1.96 6/√n

Correct Answer: x±1.96 6/√n

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Option A: 6/√n

Option B: S/√n

Option C: S2/n

Option D: 6x/√n

Correct Answer: S2/n

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Option A: Population

Option B: Biased

Option C: Unbiased

Option D: Increase

Correct Answer: Unbiased

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Option A: C.I.

Option B: Point estimator

Option C: Parameter

Option D: Point estimate

Correct Answer: Point estimate

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Option A: (U)

Option B: 6

Option C: Ux

Option D: 6/√n

Correct Answer: (U)

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Option A: E(S2) = s2

Option B: E(u) = X

Option C: E(P) = P

Option D: Ux = u

Correct Answer: E(P) = P

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Option A: Biased

Option B: Parameter

Option C: Unbiased

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Unbiased

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Option A: E(x) = µ

Option B: E(Q) =Q

Option C: E(Q) =Q

Option D: E(P) = P

Correct Answer: E(Q) =Q

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Option A: Posterior Bay’s estimator

Option B: Minimax estimator

Option C: Bay’s estimator

Option D: Sufficient estimator

Correct Answer: A. Posterior Bay’s estimator

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Option A: Unbiased

Option B: Consistent

Option C: Sufficient

Option D: Efficient

Correct Answer: Unbiased

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Option A: Efficient

Option B: Sufficient

Option C: Unbiased

Option D: Consistent

Correct Answer: Efficient

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Option A: Consistent estimator

Option B: Admissible estimator

Option C: Sufficient estimator

Option D: Minimax estimator

Correct Answer: Admissible estimator

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Option A: Among all other test of size α or less it has the largest power

Option B: Among all other test of size α or greater it has the largest 1 – α

Option C: Among all other test of size α or greater it has the smallest power

Option D: Among all other test of size α or greater it has the largest β

Correct Answer: Among all other test of size α or less it has the largest power

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Option A: Unbiased

Option B: Sufficient

Option C: Consistent

Option D: Efficient

Correct Answer: Sufficient

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Option A: It is a function of some other set of sufficient statistics.

Option B: It is a function of every other set of sufficient

Option C: It is a function of any sufficient statistics in the set.

Option D: It is not a function of every other set of sufficient statistics.

Correct Answer: It is a function of every other set of sufficient

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Option A: MSE(θˆ)=SD(θˆ)+Bias

Option B: MSE(θˆ)=Var(θˆ)+Bias2

Option C: MSE(θˆ)=SD(θˆ)+Bias2

Option D: MSE(θˆ)=Var(θˆ)+Bias

Correct Answer: MSE(θˆ)=Var(θˆ)+Bias2

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Option A: Independence Equation

Option B: Sequential Probability Likelihood Equation

Option C: Neyman Pearson Lemma

Option D: Wald’s Equation

Correct Answer: Independence Equation

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Option A: Minimal sufficient statistic

Option B: Sufficient statistic

Option C: Efficient

Option D: Minimax statistics

Correct Answer: Minimal sufficient statistic

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Option A: Sufficient

Option B: Efficient

Option C: Unbiased

Option D: Consistent

Correct Answer: Consistent

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Option A: Consistent

Option B: Sufficient

Option C: Efficient

Option D: Unbiased

Correct Answer: Sufficient

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Option A: Kruskal-Wallis and Wilcoxon tests

Option B: Runs test

Option C: Chi-Square and sign test

Option D: F test

Correct Answer: Kruskal-Wallis and Wilcoxon tests

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Option A: Lower tailed

Option B: Upper tailed

Option C: Either of the above

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Either of the above

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Option A: We count them

Option B: We discard them

Option C: We depends upon the scores

Option D: non of these

Correct Answer: We discard them

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Option A: Ties within one sample may affect the decision

Option B: Ties always affect the decision

Option C: Ties never affect the decision

Option D: Ties between the two sample may affect the decision

Correct Answer: Ties within one sample may affect the decision

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Option A: Data must be measured on the same scale

Option B: Data should be of ordinal scale at least

Option C: Data must be distribution at least approximately as a t-distribution

Option D: Data must be from two independent samples

Correct Answer: Data should be of ordinal scale at least

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Option A: Divided into at least two classifications

Option B: Divided into exactly two classifications

Option C: Quantitative

Option D: Qualitative

Correct Answer: Divided into exactly two classifications

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Option A: One way analysis of variance (ANOVA)

Option B: Spearman Rank difference

Option C: Wilcoxon Rank-Sum test

Option D: Kruskal-Wallis test

Correct Answer: Kruskal-Wallis test

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Option A: Samples are independent

Option B: Samples have same mean

Option C: Sample are dependent

Option D: The Wilcoxon Signed Rank test is used

Correct Answer: Sample are dependent

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Option A: Sample are dependent

Option B: The assumption of normality is not met

Option C: Sample sizes are small

Option D: Data are paired

Correct Answer: The assumption of normality is not met

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Option A: Greater the degree of freedom, the more the t-distribution resembles the standard normal distribution

Option B: The Normal Curve is symmetrical whereas the t-distribution are slightly skewed.

Option C: The proportion of area beyond a specific value of “t” is less than the proportion of normal curve

Option D: Non of these

Correct Answer: Greater the degree of freedom, the more the t-distribution resembles the standard normal distribution

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Option A: Symmetrical

Option B: None of these

Option C: Same as Normal Curve

Option D: Skewed

Correct Answer: Symmetrical

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Option A: The sample are drawn from a normally distributed population.

Option B: The variance of the population is known

Option C: All above

Option D: s (sample standard deviation) is an unbiased estimate of the population variance.

Correct Answer: The sample are drawn from a normally distributed population.

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Option A: Herbicide A is more effective than Herbicide B

Option B: Herbicide A is not more effective than Herbicide B

Option C: Herbicide B is more effective than Herbicide A

Option D: Herbicide B is not more effective than Herbicide A

Correct Answer: Herbicide B is not more effective than Herbicide A

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Option A: Standard Deviation

Option B: Mean

Option C: mean Square Error

Option D: Variance

Correct Answer: Variance

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Option A: Consistency

Option B: All Above

Option C: Unbiasedness

Option D: Efficiency

Correct Answer: All Above

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Option A: stating H1

Option B: stating Ho

Option C: L of significance

Option D: Test statistics

Correct Answer: stating Ho

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A. Q Qo
C. Q ≠ Qo
D. None of these

Correct Answer: Q ≠ Qo

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Option A: Q ≤ Qo

Option B: Q ≥ Qo

Option C: Q = Qo

Option D: Q ≠ Qo

Correct Answer: Q ≠ Qo

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Option A: Rejected when it is true

Option B: Rejected when it is false

Option C: Accepted when it is true

Option D: Accepted when it is false

Correct Answer: Accepted when it is false

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Option A: Composite hypothesis

Option B: Alternative hypothesis

Option C: Null hypothesis

Option D: Simple hypothesis

Correct Answer: Null hypothesis

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Option A: P±2.18√p2q2/n

Option B: P±1.65(pq/n)

Option C: P±1.96 p2q2/√n

Option D: P±1.96√p2q2/n

Correct Answer: P±1.96√p2q2/n

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Option A: Sampling

Option B: Probability distribution

Option C: Regression

Option D: Statistical Inference

Correct Answer: Statistical Inference

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Option A: Estimate

Option B: Estimator

Option C: Probability

Option D: Numerical

Correct Answer: Estimate

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Option A: Increase

Option B: Decrease

Option C: Sampling

Option D: Population

Correct Answer: Population

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Option A: Q

Option B: X

Option C: Ux

Option D: u

Correct Answer: u

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Option A: Point estimator

Option B: C.I.

Option C: Estimator

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Point estimator

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