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Cost Accounting Mcqs
Flexible Budget Overhead Cost Variance
If fixed overhead allocated for actual output units is $36000 and the production volume variance is $7000, then budgeted fixed overhead will be __________?
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The difference between actual quantity and budgeted quantity of cost allocation base is classified as __________?
The lump sum cost that remains unchanged in total despite of changes in total volume is classified as __________?
The third step in developing operating budget is to __________?
If the fixed overhead allocated for actual output unit is $9800 and budgeted fixed overhead is $22000, then production volume variance would be _________?
If the budgeted total cost in fixed overhead is $465200 and the budgeted total quantity is $8750, then budgeted fixed overhead cost per unit will be __________?
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If the variable overhead flexible budget variance is $37000 and the flexible budget amount is $10000, then the actual incurred costs would be __________?
In overhead cost variance analysis, the variable overhead does not include __________?
An indirect setup labor costs, costs of setup and equipment maintenance and costs of indirect material can be categorized as __________?
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If an actual variable quantity is 50, the actual and budgeted overhead cost of allocation is $7550 and $4500 respectively, then the variable overhead spending variance could be __________?
If the total setup cost is $35000 and fixed setup cost is $19000, then the variable fixed cost would be __________?
In overhead cost variance analysis, the fixed overhead does not include __________?
To calculate fixed overhead flexible budget variance, an actual incurred cost is subtracted from __________?
If the cost of indirect support labor is $5000, equipment maintenance setup cost is $7000 and machinery leasing cost is $4000 then variable fixed cost will be __________?
The fixed overhead allocated for actual output unit is subtracted from budgeted fixed overhead to calculate __________?
The second step in developing operating budget is to _________?
In flexible budget analysis, the variable overhead flexible budget variance is equal to _________?
If the fixed setup cost is $21000 and the variable setup cost is $11000, then the setup cost would be _________?
In production volume variance, an acquiring fixed cost such as equipment and plant lease is known as __________?
If the total setup cost is $42000 and fixed setup cost is $17000, then the variable fixed cost would be __________?
An activity based costing hierarchy includes __________?
If the flexible budget amount is $21500 and fixed overhead flexible budget variance is $10000, then actual incurred cost will be _________?
In manufacturing settings, the budgeted fixed overhead rate is classified as __________?
The budgeted quantity of output unit is 250 and budgeted overhead fixed cost is $150, then budgeted fixed overhead output unit will be __________?
The variance is solely because of the difference between budgeted quantity and the __________?
Of the cost allocation base, the difference between actual and budgeted variable overhead cost multiplied by actual quantity for actual output is classified as __________?
If an actual quantity of cost allocation base is $48000 and budgeted quantity of cost allocation base is $28000, then variable overhead efficiency variance would be __________?
All the salaries are paid to supervisors and engineers and cost of leasing equipment are classified as __________?
If the variable overhead flexible budget variance is $26000 and the flexible budget amount is $15000, then the actual incurred costs will be ________?
The measure which provides the feedback on manager’s performance, considering individual aspects only is classified as __________?
If the salaries of engineers are $3000, the salaries of supervisors are $4000 and the equipment leasing cost is $3000, then fixed setup costs will be __________?
If the budgeted quantity of output unit is 450 and budgeted overhead fixed cost is $250, then budgeted fixed overhead output unit will be __________?
If an actual incurred cost is $387500 and the flexible budget amount is $168750, then fixed overhead variance of flexible budget would be __________?
If the fixed overhead allocated for actual output unit is $7500 and budgeted fixed overhead is $21000, then the production volume variance will be __________?
A cost, consists of some fixed and some variable cost with respect to machine setup hours is termed as _________?
An unfavorable volume-production variance is used to measure the amount of __________?
If fixed overhead allocated for actual output units is $36000 and the production volume variance is $7000, then budgeted fixed overhead will be __________?
A. $43,000
B. $42,000
C. $29,000
D. $19,000
Correct Answer:
Last Updated:
May 11, 2023