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A good source of vegetable protein is________________?
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Delta of water for cotton crop is__________?
In cotton the recommended R x R distance is__________?
Seed rate of cotton per acre is__________?
CCRI stands for__________?
The productive branches of cotton are called__________?
On the basis of season cotton is a__________?
In B.T cotton B.T. stands for__________?
The root of cotton plant goes up to depth of__________?
Cotton plant has mode of germination__________?
APTMA stands for__________?
In 1992-93 the greatest decrease in the production of cotton was due to attack of__________?
Delta pine variety of cotton was imported in Pakistan in the year__________?
On the basis of yield of cotton per hectare which of the following country occupies second position__________?
Among the cotton exporting countries the number of China is__________?
Among the cotton exporting countries the number of America is__________?
First ginning machine was invented in__________?
England cotton was imported from the time in__________?
Gassypium barbadense was developed from a cross between__________?
Gassypium barbadense was originated in__________?
Genus of cotton is__________?
Gassypium hirsutum is__________?
The Cotton plant belong to family ?
Which one of the following is a major fiber crop of Pakistan ?
Organic farming, is a copping system in which__________?
A good source of vegetable protein is________________?
A. Com
B. Egg
C. Pulses
D. non of there
Correct Answer:
Last Updated:
March 30, 2019