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A population or group of insects composed of a single genotype is called_____________________?
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Which enzyme responsible for the break down of fat and oil__________?
What is the function of carbohydrates enzymes in insects__________?
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The process of periodic shedding of hard secretion cuticle which occurs during developmental stages of insects is called__________?
It is a nitrogenous polysaccharides which are more than 50% of substance of cuticle is called__________?
Function of Exo cuticle insect is__________?
The body wall of insect which includes cuticle, epidermis and basement membrane is__________?
Jumping legs present in grasshopper known as__________?
Ants butterflies, wasp, moths have type of legs __________?
Honey bees with a row of minutes hooks on the anterior wings that catch in to the up-rolled hind border of the fore wing is__________?
Wings are modified into rod like structure in Thrips are type of wings__________?
When the fore wings are modified into halteres. they are called__________?
Grasshopper and cockroaches have type of wings is__________?
Type of pupae with appendages are free and no glued to the body is__________?
larvae with cylindrical, elongated, narrow body anterionly and with out legs is__________?
Campo deiform is type of__________?
Apical margin of wing of insect is__________?
The long axis of head is horizontal and in line with insect body, mouth parts directed forward is type of head__________?
Costal margin of wing of insect is__________?
Grass hopper, cricket have mouth parts__________?
Asymmetrical mouths parts present in__________?
White files have eggs__________?
The ventral selerotized region of insect body is called__________?
The dorsal sclerotized region of insect body is called__________?
The study of functions of different parts of insects is called__________?
Three main part of antennae are __________?
Insect which are found every where are called__________?
A free living animal that attack and feed on other organism is called__________?
Insects which are mainly during evening or morning twilight are called__________?
Insects which are active at night are called__________?
Viviparous insects which produced__________?
Examples of monophagous insect is__________?
Suffering cause in insects due to lack of food is called__________?
Costal margin of wing of insect is__________?
Housefly have mouth parts__________?
Butter flies have antennae__________?
The main body regions of insects are called__________?
The lateral selertized region of insect body is called__________?
House has antennae__________?
Male mosquitoes have antennae while female mosquitoes have antennae__________?
The study of form and structure of insects are called__________?
A population or group of insects composed of a single genotype is called_____________________?
A. Pilosity
B. Biotype
C. Genotype
D. Phenotype
Correct Answer:
Last Updated:
March 28, 2019