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Fire flies are________________?
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A level of resistance show by a cultivar is similar against all insect biotype such type of resistance is__________?
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The slow acting pheromones are__________?
A chemical or secretions which are thrown outside the body for transmitting message to the individual of same species is__________?
Locomotion in response to odour is__________?
The haring organs in grasshopper__________?
Type of reproduction in which young ones are produced by larval or pupal stages is__________?
Which insect have bacteria and in their digestive system__________?
Which enzyme breaks protein__________?
Proventriculus also called as__________?
Which hormone cause moulting in insect__________?
The last segment of insect which bears a structure which help during mating is__________?
The insect skeleton is composed of series of plates called__________?
Function of endo cuticle is__________?
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Tentorium is__________?
Metalegs of worker honey bee is __________?
Dragonfly and damselfly have type of legs__________?
Butterflies having wing coupling apparatus is__________?
Beetles, weevils, earwigs. have fore wing very thick and hard structure is__________?
Hind winds of true flies are modified in to tiny knobbed structure is known as__________?
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Syrphid flies have type of larvae__________?
Larvae with both thoracic and abdominal legs is__________?
The mixing of pesticide through agitator to prevent it form separating in the sprayer tarik is called__________?
What is T.S.O ?
What is DDT__________?
Against Lepidopterous larvae we apply__________?
Against sucking and chewing insect pest we apply__________?
A dose of a toxicant that kills 50% of the exposed organism is called__________?
Toxic refers to a__________?
A substance that destructive to nerve tissue is called__________?
A poison produced by a plant, animal or organisms is called__________?
A substance used in a pesticide, it helps the spray material to adhere to the sprayed surface is called__________?
Chemical added to pesticide to increase its activity is called__________?
Death of an insect from a single dose is called__________?
Fire flies are________________?
A. Flies
B. Beetles
C. Fleas
D. Wasps
Correct Answer:
Last Updated:
March 29, 2019