
A. In the McCabe-Thiele diagram for binary distillation, vertical feed line represents saturated
liquid feed and horizontal feed line represents saturated vapour feed
B. In small columns, local efficiency is larger than Murphree efficiency; in large columns local
efficiency is smaller than Murphree efficiency
C. For Laminar flow over a plate of length L, the local mass transfer co-efficient at a distance L
from the leading edge is 1.5 × 10-2m/s. Then the average mass transfer co-efficient for the
plate is 2 × 10-2m/s

D. The concentration and hydrodynamic boundary layers over a flat plate are of equal thickness,
if Schmidt number is equal to unity

Correct Answer: C. For Laminar flow over a plate of length L, the local mass transfer co-efficient at a distance L
from the leading edge is 1.5 × 10-2m/s. Then the average mass transfer co-efficient for the
plate is 2 × 10-2m/s

Last Updated: February 18, 2019