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Economics Mcqs
Supply and Demand
If your income doubles and the prices of the goods you buy double then your demand for these goods will likely?
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According to the law of diminishing utility ?
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The quantity demanded of Pepsi has decreased. The best explanation for this is that ?
The Setrite Corporation produce chairs. An economist working for the firm predicts that if people’s incomes rise next year, then the demand for our chairs will for our chairs will increase ceteris paribus The accuracy of the economist’s prediction depends on whether the chairs Setrite Produce ?
If both marginal cost and marginal revenue increase, a firm ?
A firm that breaks even after all economic costs are paid is earning ?
If a firm wage costs increase this will cause and __________?
Profits are maximized when ?
The increase in total cost when one more unit is produced is known as ?
Adding up the quantities demanded of a good by different people facing the same price gives us the ?
Economics assumes that people consume goods and services to achieve ?
The income effect of a price increase of a normal good is to _ of that good and the substitution effect is to _________ of that good?
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If demand is _ then price cuts will _________ spending?
Increased levels of spending on imports ?
If your income doubles and the prices of the goods you buy double then your demand for these goods will likely?
A. increase
B. not change
C. decrease
D. shift
Correct Answer:
not change
Last Updated:
June 18, 2019