
A. Section 106
B. Section 176
C. Section 186
D. Section 196

Section 176 – Disorderly conduct near polling station.— A person is guilty of disorderly conduct near a polling station if he, on the polling day:

(a) uses, in such manner as to be audible within the polling station, any gramophone, megaphone, loudspeaker or other apparatus for reproducing or amplifying sounds;

(b) persistently shouts in such manner as to be audible within the polling station;

(c) does any act which— (i) disturbs or causes annoyance to any voter visiting a polling station for the purpose of voting; or (ii) interferes with the performance of the duty of an election official or any person on duty at a polling station; or

(d) abets the doing of any of these acts.

Correct Answer: Section 176

Last Updated: October 05, 2021