
A. Section 24
B. Section 14
C. Section 27
D. Section 31

14. Action Plan.—(1) The Commission shall, at least four months before the general election is due to be held on expiry of the term of an Assembly, prepare a comprehensive Action Plan specifying all legal and administrative measures that have been taken or required to be taken in respect of the election, including the following—
(a) delimitation of constituencies;
(b) revision of electoral rolls;
(c) enlistment of political parties;
(d) allocation of symbols;
(e) appointment and training of District Returning Officers, Returning Officers, Assistant Returning Officers, Presiding Officers, Assistant Presiding Officers, Polling Officers and other election officials;
(f) preparation of constituency-wise list of polling stations and list of polling personnel;
(g) determination and printing of requisite number of ballot papers and designation of printing presses;
(h) establishment of a transparent result management system for election results;
(i) introduction of any new technology;
(j) arrangements for election observers;
(k) appointment of the Appellate and Election Tribunals;
(l) security measures; and
(m) monitoring mechanism to report progress regarding implementation of the Action Plan.
(2) The Commission shall carry out a post-election review of implementation of the Action Plan to ascertain shortcomings, if any, with suggestions to further improve the electoral system. (3) The Commission shall include the post-election review in its next annual report under section 16 and publish it on its website.

Correct Answer: Section 14

Last Updated: October 05, 2021