
A. Section 54
B. Section 45
C. Section 18
D. Section 15

Section 15. Complaints.—(1) Any person aggrieved by any decision or action taken or direction issued by an authority subordinate to the Commission or any action of a political party or a candidate in violation of the Code of Conduct may, within fifteen days of such decision or action, submit a complaint to the Commission pertaining to matters other than relating to election disputes falling under Article 225. (2) The Commission may refer the complaint received under sub-section (1) to such authority as it may deem appropriate for enquiry and report. (3) The Commission may, on receipt of enquiry report or after hearing the complainant and any other person relevant to the proceedings itself and holding a summary enquiry, pass such orders as it may deem fit within thirty days from the date of receipt of the complaint. (4) The Commission may also act under this section on its own accord. (5) The Commission shall publish the order passed under sub-section (3) on its website.

Correct Answer: Section 15

Last Updated: October 05, 2021