
A. Section 5
B. Section 19
C. Section 15
D. Section 57

Section 5. Assistance to the Commission.—(1) The Commissioner or the Commission may require any person or authority to perform such functions or render such assistance for the purposes of this Act as he or it may direct. (2) It shall be the duty of all executive authorities in the Federation and in the Provinces to render such assistance to the Commissioner and the Commission in the discharge of his or its functions as may be required by the Commissioner or the Commission. (3) The Federal Government and each Provincial Government shall make available to the Commission such staff as it may require for the performance of its functions under this Act: Provided that where the Commission decides to utilize the services of serving judicial officers, it may do so in consultation with the Chief Justice of the High Court concerned. (4) After the Election Programme has been issued and till the publication of the names of the returned candidates in the official Gazette, any Government or authority shall not post or transfer any official appointed or deputed in connection with an election without prior approval in writing of the Commission, including posting or transfer the decision in respect whereof has not been implemented, and the Commission may itself issue necessary directions to any such Government or authority for the posting or transfer of any official.

Correct Answer: Section 5

Last Updated: October 05, 2021