
A. Six hundred
B. Five hundred
C. Eight hundred
D. Four hundred

Section 177 – Canvassing in or near the polling station.—

A person is guilty of canvassing in or near a polling station if he, on the polling day:
(a) within a radius of four hundred meters of a polling station— (i) canvasses for votes; (ii) solicits the vote of any voter; (iii) persuades any voter not to vote at the election or for a particular candidate; or
(b) exhibits, except with the permission of the Returning Officer and at a place reserved for the candidate or his election agent beyond the radius of one hundred meters of the polling station, any notice, sign or flag designed to encourage the voters to vote or discourage the voters from voting, for any contesting candidate.

Correct Answer: Four hundred

Last Updated: October 05, 2021