
A. Section 179
B. Section 175
C. Section 174
D. Section 134

175. Illegal practice.— A person is guilty of the offence of illegal practice if he—
(a) is guilty of disorderly conduct near a polling station, canvassing in or near a polling station, interferes with the secrecy of voting, or adversely affects the interests of a candidate;
(b) obtains or procures, or attempts to obtain or procure, the assistance of any person in the service of Pakistan to further or hinder the election of a candidate;
(c) votes or applies for a ballot paper for voting at an election knowing that he is not qualified for, or is disqualified from, voting;
(d) votes or applies for a ballot paper for voting more than once in the same polling station;
(e) votes or applies for a ballot paper for voting in more than one polling station for the same election;
(f) removes a ballot paper from a polling station during the poll;
(g) violates restrictions on publicity laid down in section 180 or restrictions on announcement of development schemes under section 181;
(h) violates prohibition on public meetings during a certain period as provided in section 182;
(i) fails to comply with section 134 relating to election expenses;
(j) carries or displays any kind of weapon or fire arm in a public meeting or procession during
campaign period, on the poll day and till twenty four hours after the announcement of the official results by the Returning Officer;
(k) resorts to aerial firing or uses firecrackers and other explosives at public meetings or in or near a polling station; or
(l) resorts to violence in any form or manner against an election official or any other person officially deputed to work at a polling station.

Correct Answer: Section 175

Last Updated: October 05, 2021