
A. Section 189
B. Section 171
C. Section 173
D. Section 175

Section 171 – Capturing a polling station or polling booth.— A person is guilty of capturing a polling station or polling booth if he:

(a) seizes a polling station or a polling booth or a place fixed for the poll or makes polling authorities surrender the ballot papers or ballot box or both and does any other act which affects the orderly conduct of elections;

(b) takes possession of a polling station or a polling booth or a place fixed for the poll and allows his supporters to exercise their right to vote while preventing others from free exercise of their right to vote;

(c) coerces, intimidates or threatens, directly or indirectly, any voter and prevents him from going to the polling station or a place fixed for the poll to cast his vote; or

(d) being in the service of any Government or corporation or institution controlled by the Government, commits all or any of the aforesaid activities or aids or connives in, any such activity in furtherance of the prospects of the election of a candidate

Correct Answer: Section 171

Last Updated: October 05, 2021