
A. Victory
B. Victim
C. Violence
D. Its Name of US President

Submitted by: BK Sarmad

Triumph meaning in Urdu (جیت) (کامیابی) (فتح حاصل کرنا)
Victory meaning in Urdu (جیت) (کامیابی)
Victim meaning: (مظلوم) (نشانہ بننے والا)
Violence means: (تشدد)

other Synonyms of triumph:
achievement (کارنامہ), acquirement (اہلیت) (فن)(قابلیت) (مہارت), attainment(حصول), success(کامیابی), accomplishment(مکمل کرنے کا عمل), palm, win

Correct Answer: Victory

Last Updated: August 28, 2020