
A. Fragment of
B. Piece of
C. Strip of
D. Heap of

Submitted by: Muhammad Raheel

The term “swathe” refers to a broad strip or area of something. It often implies a large, continuous section. Here’s why “strip of” is the best synonym:

A. Fragment of: This means a small, broken-off piece, which implies something incomplete or small, not a broad or continuous area.

B. Piece of: This is a general term for a portion of something but does not convey the sense of a continuous or broad area like “swathe” does.

C. Strip of: This implies a long, narrow piece of something, which is very close in meaning to “swathe,” as both suggest a continuous section of material or area.

D. Heap of: This means a large, disordered pile of something, which doesn’t convey the sense of a continuous, broad area that “swathe” does.

Therefore, “strip of” is the most accurate synonym for “swathe of” as it conveys the idea of a long, continuous section.

Correct Answer: Strip of

Last Updated: July 08, 2024