
A. Super conductivity
B. Joule-Kelvin effect
C. Thermo-electric effect
D. Adiabatic demagneti-sation

Submitted by: Malik Asghar Hussain

Magnetic refrigeration is a cooling technology based on the magneto-caloric effect. This technique can be used to attain extremely low temperatures, as well as the ranges used in common refrigerators, depending on the design of the system. The magnetocaloric effect (MCE, from magnet and calorie) is a magneto-thermodynamic phenomenon in which a change in temperature of a suitable material is caused by exposing the material to a changing magnetic field. This is also known by low temperature physicists as adiabatic demagnetization, due to the application of the process specifically to create a temperature drop.

Correct Answer: Adiabatic demagneti-sation

Last Updated: July 07, 2021