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Forestry Mcqs
Ecology and General Silviculture
Every ecosystem must have a continuous external source of:
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In a forest ecosystem, green plants are:
Which of the following is logical sequence of carbon cycle:
The pyramid of numbers in a grassland ecosystem will be:
In a food chain the largest population is that of:
The processes involving the transformation of carbon compounds on earth include:
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Energy flow and energy transformations in living systems strictly conform to the:
If all the green plants were to disappear from the earth:
Which group of three living organisms, given below is a link in food chain: Green plants …. Hawk:
Deers are:
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A plant, being eaten by a herbivore which in turn is eaten by a carnivore, makes a:
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The number of producers and consumers in an ecosystem is mutually controlled by a:
In an ecosystem, the population of:
The cycling of elements in an ecosystem is called:
The zooplanktonic forms are:
What is contributed from the outer space in an ecosystem?
Which one of the following is a reversible source of energy?
Ecological pyramids are of:
The decomposers in an ecosystem constitute the following trophic level:
Ecosystem creates:
The primary productivity is minimum in the following ecosystem:
If precise quantitative measurements are made on a convened ecosystem in a laboratory, we will find amounts of which of the following to be a one-way flow rather than cyclic?
Tip of ecological pyramid is occupied by:
Which is a primary consumer?
The transfer of energy from organism to organism is a natural community establishes:
Which of the following is non-renewable source of energy:
Every ecosystem must have a continuous external source of:
A. Energy
B. Oxygen
C. Living organism
D. Bacteria
Correct Answer:
Last Updated:
May 16, 2024