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Forestry Mcqs
Wildlife and its Management
Irrigated forest plantations have emerged as a new land use practice for the last ____ years:
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The major factors considered to be directly acting upon wildlife are:
Hazards include all those factors that can injure or kill an animal (natural factors)
Diseases disrupt the normal physiological function of _________.
The species characteristics are an expression of the genetic make up of an animal species influencing the extend and nature of ______.
Habitat destruction is the indirectly acting factor while _____ hunting are the main direct human factors affecting wildlife populations:
The change is brought about by such individual and population factors is:
Understanding population dynamics involves rates of change from ______
Carrying capacity is a balance between _______.
Carrying capacity is not a fixed factor of the land and will change as ______ with the seasons or over long periods so the process is dynamic as the populations are:
The concepts of population dynamics and carrying capacity lead to management of wildlife which may be defined as:
The modification of natural hazards such:
Species management includes:
Management of terrestrial resources deals primarily with ________.
The regulations towards the management of wildlife in the subcontinent date back to _____ . When the policy guidelines were given for the conservation of natural resources:
The Forest Act was promulgated in ______ which was later adopted by the Government of Pakistan in to:
The forest policies having ceased to be relevant were later revised in 1955, and then in _______.
Forest Act _______ has new been revised by the authors of Forestry Sector Master Plan:
Wildlife were managed under West Pakistan Wildlife Managment Ordinance _________.
Realising the need for a better management policy for wildlife, a high powered Wildlife, a high powered Wildlife Enquiry Committee, constituted by the Government of Pakistan presented their (draft) report in 1970, following which all the provinces and administrative unit promulgated their own Wildlife Act within administrative units promulgated their own Wildlife Act within a span of two years _______
This necessitated the enunciation of newer policy initiatives in 1980, when the wildlife were mentioned for the first time in the broader forest policies:
Realising the need for the conservation of National Resources, the Government of Pakistan with the assistance of the World Conservation Union (IUCN) framed a National Conservation Strategy ________.
The salient features of the strategy 1992 relating to wildlife, referred to here as BIODIVERSITY, are:
The strategy 1992 to improve the situation is:
Action plan is:
Actions/Interventions is:
Re-organization of protected area system is:
Community participation in the conservation and management of biodiversity is:
The necessary human resources could be developed through a combination of activities initiated with the objective of:
Conservation programmes for the future may include:
Endangered habitats or wildlife species could also be identified completely or partially outside the protected areas. Conservation programmes should therefore be addressed to:
Irrigated forest plantations have emerged as a new land use practice for the last ____ years:
A. 50
B. 100
C. 150
D. 200
Correct Answer:
Last Updated:
May 24, 2024