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Forestry Mcqs
Short and simple food chains are rare in the world and may be found in simple ecosystems like:
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A striking example of ______ is that of a ruminant animal such as a cow and the bacteria that live in its gut:
A symbiotic association between fungus and roots of higher plants is known as:
An association between a fungus and an alga is known as:
The symbiotic association in which one partner gains benefit without benefiting or harming the other is known as:
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The back and forth movements of chemical elements, between organisms and environment along characteristic circular paths and known as:
Which element is vital to plants and animals for the synthesis of proteins and nucleic acies?
The earth’s atmosphere contains over _____ % by volume of nitrogen gas:
Nitrification takes place only in well aerated soils because the bacteria responsible for it are:
The transfer of food energy from the source in plants through a series of organism with repeated stages of eating and being eaten is known as:
Non-renewable environmental resources include various metals non-metalic minerals and
Thick clouds of smoke containing soot and other particles coming out of the factories cause health problems for nearby people. Such as irritation of eyes and:
Carbon monoxide is a poisonous gas, 1% of which in the air can kill a person in:
Acid rain brings with it:
Certain cities of Pakistan have been subjected to tremendous air pollution due to increased:
Of the total body weight of the organism, water constitutes about:
The amount of fresh water on our planet is:
Of the total fresh water, 10% is used in homes whereas 90% is used in:
The depleted soils can be enriched by the addition of:
The land may be abused by:
Misuse of land involves:
Pollution of soil may destroy its structure and:
The natural nitrogen cycle is greatly affected by the excessive use of:
A chemical, which kills the weeds, is known as:
All the non-cultivated plants and non-comesticated animals are referred to as:
The precious skins of beavers, muskrats, seals, minks and foxes etc, are used as luxury furs and in:
About 95% of the energy requirements in Pakistan are met with by the:
The atomic energy is derived by splitting the nuclei of a:
The primary nuclear fuel used in the atom today is:
Exposure of human beings to high energy from nuclear power plants can cause:
Hydroelectric power is the electric power generated by the energy of:
In Pakistan Tarbela, Mangla and Warsak dams are the main:
In USA, electricity is also being generated with the half geothermal power plants in which is used water:
As a source of power generation, windmills are still in use in some European countries, especially:
Methane gas is produced during the scientific process of:
The temperature of surface water of oceans is about 25C and it is 5?C at the depth of few hundred meters in the:
People taking food adequate in calories but deficient in protein may suffer from:
Dams and canal networks developed for irrigation purposes in Pakistan and may other countries create the problem of:
The annual population growth rate of some countries like Great Britain, Sweden, Norway, Hungary and Japan is:
Short and simple food chains are rare in the world and may be found in simple ecosystems like:
A. Savanna
B. Tundra
C. Grassland
D. Desert
Correct Answer:
Last Updated:
May 23, 2024