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Forestry Mcqs
Importance of Trees
Survey conducted by WAPDA has revealed that 2.0 M ha of land have become severely waterlogged affecting a population of million:
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Trees play an important role in:
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A large variety of wild fruits and nuts is obtained from the:
The most important species yielding these fruits are:
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Honey from trees is how obtained:
Honey bees collect ectar and pollen from about 500 wild and cultivated plant species including:
The black mushrooms (Morchella spp) are being collected from the temperate forest areas of ________.
Feed for the livestock from ranges and forest is:
Fodder from trees is:
_____ the new introductions in the Thal desert have shown promise and should be planted on a large scale to serve as a hedge against calamities:
Charcoal – the main species are:
Source of heating cooking, construction wood and minor produce is:
Source of heating cooking, construction wood and minor produce is:
Fuel wood is:
Charcoal is:
Production of constructional timber is:
Wood based industries as livelihood for the people is/are:
Several kinds of minor forest produce are available from the forested areas; these include _________
Distillation and extraction products is / are:
Important gum producing species are:
Important medicinal plants occurring in different provinces of Pakistan are:
Animal, mineral and miscellaneous products is / are:
Employment generated in forestry operations is:
Survey conducted by WAPDA has revealed that 2.0 M ha of land have become severely waterlogged affecting a population of million:
A. 3.4
B. 4.4
C. 5.5
D. 6.5
Correct Answer:
Last Updated:
May 23, 2024