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Forestry Mcqs
Ecology and General Silviculture
The irrigated plantations of the ______ are regenerated to a great extent by coppice:
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“Manual of silviculture for Pakistan” authored by:
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________ is merely a modification of the uniform system where large quantities of advance growth of various ages and size even up to trees of 40 cm diameter are retained as part of the future crop:
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Under which system mature trees are scattered over the whole area of the forest and felling should proceed annually over the whole area of the estate?
In which system that the regeneration of the compartment is started form natural foci or groups of advance growth?
The characteristics of the original group system was the undulating profile of the regenerated corp obtained by reason of the considerable variation in age between the groups of regeneration:
Uniform system can be applied in:
What is the major methods of obtaining regeneration?
Strips are cutting through the forest and regenerated naturally the intervening strips being subsequently clear-felled and generally:
The other name/names of uniform system:
The clear strip system is associated with:
Regeneration may be effected by how many ways?
Crops in part at least, originating from stool shoots or by other vegetative means:
Successive areas are clear-felled in accordance with the prescriptions of the working plan and area regenerated naturally or artificially is known as:
Form of forest produced by introducing a young crop beneath an existing immature is called:
Form of forest produced by retaining certain trees of the old crop after regeneration is completed known as:
Opening of canopy irregular and gradual, young crop somewhat uneven-aged:
Felling beginning in internal lines and advancing outwards in wedge formation:
Felling and regeneration distributed continuously over the whole area, corp wholly uneven-aged:
Opening of canopy even young crop more or less even aged and uniform felling happing under:
Opening of canopy by scattered gaps, young crop more or less even-aged in which system:
The essence of silvicultural system:
Felling and regeneration for the time being concentrated on part for the forest area:
The factors to control of wind erosion are:
What is silvicultural system?
The major types of water erosion are:
The major types of wind erosion are:
Causes of accelerated erosion are:
Soil erosion factors include:
The major types of soil erosion are:
Accelerated soil erosion factors are:
The Organic contents of soil are:
Soil water depicts:
The soil moisture constants are:
The modes of Perennation are:
The major types of soil are recognized on the basis of their mode of accumulation and include:
Mesophytes means:
Xerophytes means:
Hygrophytes (Moisture loving plants) means:
Plant associations refer:
Hydrophytes (Aquatic Plants) means:
Forest Ecosystem means:
Typical successions in forest are:
Classification of plant succession categorised as:
Major types of climax are:
Plant succession means:
The irrigated plantations of the ______ are regenerated to a great extent by coppice:
A. Punjab
B. Sindh
C. Baluchistan
Correct Answer:
Last Updated:
May 16, 2024