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Forestry Mcqs
Laws and Policies
The National Forestry Committee, held on _______.
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Inter-Provincial Conference, held on _______.
The Agriculture Enquiry Committee, held on ______.
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The outcomes of the committees and conferences have resulted in formulation of forest policy documents:
Forestry Administration having types:
The role of the Federal Government to maintain and carry on:
Forest harvesting societies means:
Public sector corporations are:
Forest management and planning documents are:
Protection of forest resources based upon:
The principles of policy as enumerated in Chapter 2 Subsection (1) of the 1973 Constitution of Pakistan are:
General principles of a national forest policy is / are:
The national forest policy statement is:
National forest policy for Pakistan – the need:
National forest policy for Pakistan – The needs and principles in the case of Pakistan are:
The major objective of Pakistan Forest Policy 1991 are:
Main elements of the policy relation to land use:
The goals of forest resource management is:
In the policy statement of 1991, it has, therefore, been laid out that:
The forest policy, therefore, lays down that:
In order to overcome this shortcoming, an appropriate development programme will be undertaken with emphasis on:
The aims and objectives of the new forest policy in the field of conservation of protected areas are:
Wildlife areas of Pakistan:
Forest extension shall endeavour to:
Additionally, Government will undertake to:
Forestry research and education to:
In the Pakistan Forest Policy and efforts will be made to:
To provide a sound planning base for the forestry, wildlife, watershed and rangeland sub-sectors, there will be undertaken:
The incentives have been provided in the Forest Policy of 1991 is:
Forest legislation is:
The major tool in the hands of the Forest Departments to protect forest areas is the Forest Act of 1927. Its salient features are:
Government has the legal power to:
The West Pakistan (Adaptation of Law) Ordinance ______.
The Forest Act No. XVI of _______.
Punjab Forest (Sale of Timber) Act, _______
Cattle Trespass Act, ________.
The Punjab Land Preservation (Chos) Act, _______.
The Indian Fisheries Act, ________.
The Punjab Fisheries Act, _________.
The Bahawalpur State, State Cattle Trespass Act, ______.
The NWFP, Hazara Forest Act, ________.
The NWFP Protection of Trees and Brushwood Act, ______.
The Kohat Mazri Control Act, _______.
The Boluchistan Forest Regulations, ______.
The Boluchistan Wild Birds and Animals (Amendment) Regulation (Regulation 3 of ________):
The West Pakistan Wildlife Protection Ordinance, _______.
The West Pakistan Goats (Restriction) Ordinance, _______.
The West Pakistan Fisheries Ordinance, ______ (Ordinance No. XXX of 1961):
The principles of policy as enumerated in Chapter 2 Subsection (1) of the 1973 Constitution of Pakistan are:
The Sind Wildlife Protection, Preservation, Conservation (Conservation and Management) Ordinance, _______ .
The National Forestry Committee, held on _______.
A. 1972
B. 1973
C. 1974
D. 1975
Correct Answer:
Last Updated:
May 23, 2024