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Forestry Mcqs
Soil Erosion and Conservation
Which of the following plants is used as windbreak?
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Soil erosion can be prevented by:
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To prevent wind and water erosion, the crop is sometimes harvested in such a way that a basal stub of the plant is left behind. This phenomenon is called:
Soil erosion in plains consequent to rain fall is initiated by:
The term riparian erosion is applied to:
It occurs under normal conditions:
Erosion of very fine particles is seen on account of:
If the top soil has been eroded, we retire a land and grow over it:
If the same crop is repeatedly grown in a field:
Bunds, dams and drains are constructed to prevent:
Over-all mineral level of soil recedes due to:
Odum has described soil erosion as:
A slopy land on account of continued rainfall initially under goes:
The amount of soil lost to sea each year due to rainfall is around:
The chief cause of accelerated erosion is:
The soil erosion on slopes proceeds in the following manner:
Wave erosion is more prevalent and well marked:
Soil conservation is the process where:
The plants commonly sown for crop rotation are :
In dry farming initially the fertility of the land can be increased by:
If there is a little slope in the field, the soil erosion can be prevented by:
The fertility level of any soil is generally determined by:
The most common method used for cultivation on hills:
The disadvantage of ploughing in arid and semi-arid zones is:
Gullies are removed by:
An important agrostological technique to check soil erosion in the initial stages is:
Which of the following plants are used as wind breaks?
The most significant and initial requirement for dry farming is:
The soil permeability can be decreased due to blockers called:
The removal of weeds by ploughing is called:
Contour binding is done to check:
The soil binding is done in the best way by:
When trees and shrubs are planted in long rows along streams, they are described as:
Digging pits on the slopes just for the accumulation of run off is called as:
Terracing is done in:
Which of the following plants is used as windbreak?
A. Delonix
B. Mangifera
C. Eucalyptus
D. Prosopis
Correct Answer:
Last Updated:
May 24, 2024