
A. 3
B. 5
C. 7
D. 9

Submitted by: Mansoor Samejo

The five nuclear weapon states are China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
NPT – The Nuclear Threat Initiative

The NPT defines a nuclear-weapon state as a state that manufactured and exploded a nuclear weapon or other nuclear device prior to 1 January, 1967. These states are China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States. All other states are non-nuclear-weapon states under the Treaty.

Other states that possess nuclear weapons are India, Pakistan, and North Korea. Since the NPT entered into force in 1970, these three states were not parties to the Treaty and have conducted overt nuclear tests. North Korea had been a party to the NPT but withdrew in 2003.

Correct Answer: 5

Last Updated: June 03, 2024