
A. 13 Sept 1992
B. 23 Nov 1993
C. 13 Sept 1993
D. None of these

Submitted by: Mubbasher Karim Awan

On September 13, 1993, Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) Negotiator Mahmoud Abbas signed a Declaration of Principles on Interim Self-Government Arrangements, commonly referred to as the “Oslo Accord,” at the White House. Israel accepted the PLO as the representative of the Palestinians, and the PLO renounced terrorism and recognized Israel’s right to exist in peace. Both sides agreed that a Palestinian Authority (PA) would be established and assume governing responsibilities in the West Bank and Gaza Strip over a five-year period.

Correct Answer: 13 Sept 1993

Last Updated: January 25, 2022