
A. 24
B. 25
C. 26
D. 27

How many prophets are mention in Holy Quran?

twenty-six (26) Prophets are mentioned in holy Quran by names: They are:

1. Prophet Adam (Peace Be Upon Him)
2. Prophet Idris (Peace Be Upon Him)
3. Prophet Noah (Peace Be Upon Him)
4. Prophet Hud (Peace Be Upon Him)
5. Prophet Salih (Peace Be Upon Him)
6. Prophet Ibrahim (Peace Be Upon Him)
7. Prophet Lut (Peace Be Upon Him)
8. Prophet Ismail (Peace Be Upon Him)
9. Prophet Ishaaq (Peace Be Upon Him)
10. Prophet Yaqoob (Peace Be Upon Him)
11. Prophet Yusuf (Peace Be Upon Him)
12. Prophet Shoaib (Peace Be Upon Him)
13. Prophet Musa (Peace Be Upon Him)
14. Prophet Haroon (Peace Be Upon Him)
15. Prophet Uzair (Peace Be Upon Him)
16. Prophet Ilyaas (Peace Be Upon Him)
17. Prophet Dawood (Peace Be Upon Him)
18. Prophet Sulaiman (Peace Be Upon Him)
19. Prophet Yunus (Peace Be Upon Him)
20. Prophet Ayyub (Peace Be Upon Him)
21. Prophet Dhul Kifl (Peace Be Upon Him)
22. Prophet Yasaa (Peace Be Upon Him)
23. Prophet Zakariyya (Peace Be Upon Him)
24. Prophet Yahya (Peace Be Upon Him)
25. Prophet Isa (Peace Be Upon Him)
26. Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him)

Some incidents of Hadrat Dhul-Qarnain, Hadrat Khidr (not by name), and Hadrat Luqman are also mentioned in the Quran, but in the opinion of most scholars they were not amongst the Prophets sent by Allah Subhanah. Allah Alone Knows Best.

Refrence: www.islamhelpline.net/node/8085

Correct Answer: 26

Last Updated: July 15, 2024