
A. 11
B. 12
C. 13
D. 14

Submitted by: Mubarak Zahidi


The Obligatory parts of wudu are as follows:

I. Washing the face from forehead to the lower side of chin
II. Cleaning and washing the hands down to the elbows
III. Performing the Masah (wet the hands and move your hands to and forth to your head and neck)
IV. At last wash both your feet down to the ankles


Sunnahs of Wudu/Ablution

The Sunnahs of wudu are also very important therefore you can read the complete 13 Sunnah of wudu below:

I. Intention (Niyyah) is the first important Sunnah of wudu
II. Supplication like Bismillah before starting wudu
III. Washing the hands with three time repeating the step
IV. Teeth Brushing (Miswak)
V. Three time rinsing water into the mouth
VI. Sniffing water into nostrils thrice with left hand
VII. Combing (Performing Khilal) the beard with the fingers
VIII. Cross passing the finger of both hands against each other and same to the (Khilal of fingers and toes)
IX. Wash every part thrice
X. Perform Masah one time over the head
XI. Perform Masah of both ear
XII. Follow the step by step procedure of wudu/ablution
XIII. Wash every part without delay to make sure that no part dries before the next step.

Correct Answer: 13

Last Updated: January 15, 2020