
A. Preacher
B. Follower
C. Guidance
D. None of these

Submitted by: Aaqib Zeeshan ALi Dedar

The Arabic word ‘Taqlid’ literally means ‘to copy, imitate or put on a necklace or strap around the neck’. As an Islamic terminology, ‘Taqlid’ signifies the conformity of one person to the teaching of another. In other words, Taqlid denotes ‘deeming a person’s verdict (Qaul) and action (Fe’il) to be lawful and obligatory upon another’. This is done with the belief that since the former is a Sharia Researcher (Shari’ Muhaqqiq), his verdict or action is an evidence for us.

The person who performs Taqlid is known as a Muqallid whereas the one who rejects Taqlid is known as a Ghair-Muqallid. Therefore the person who follows any of the four imams, Abu Hanifa, Shafei, Malik or Hambal, in religious matters is known as Muqallid.

Muqallid and ghair muqallid are the names given by people. In Islam, there is only one name for its followers i.e. Muslim.

Correct Answer: Follower

Last Updated: July 05, 2021