
A. Four
B. Five
C. Six
D. Seven

Submitted by: Sonaira Sharafat

1. Gabriel (upon whom be peace):
Gabriel is the angel whose task is to convey the revelation from Allah to His Messengers.

2. Mikaa’eel (upon whom be peace):
Mikaa’eel is the angel responsible for distribution of sustenance wherever Allah wishes.

3. Israafeel (upon whom be peace):
Israfeel (a.s.) is the angel who is charged with blowing the trumpet on the Day of Judgment.

4. Azraeel (upon whom be peace):
He is the Angel of death to take the souls with the order of Allah swt. He is mentioned in the hadiths and ayahs as “Angel of Death.”

5. Kiram al Katibin:
“Keepers” mentioned in the ayahs (Surah al Infitar; 10-12) and (Surah al An’am, 61) are the “kiram al katibin” angels that are the two angels recording the deeds.

6. Hafaza (The Guardian Angels)
“Witnesses” are the hafaza angels who are charged with guarding.

7. Hamalat al-‘Arsh:
They are the angels carrying the arsh (throne).

Correct Answer: Seven

Last Updated: October 25, 2017