
A. 60 Hijri
B. 61 Hijri 
C. 64 Hijri
D. 65 Hijri

Submitted by: Shuaib Uddin

Tragedy of Karbala

Hazrat Imam Hussain RA was born in 4th Shaban 4 Hijri ( 10th January 626 A.D)

at Madina.

Father name: Hazrat Ali RA

Mother Name: Hazrat Bibi Fatima Zehra RA.

He (RA) was given to Umm e Fazal for Nursing.

Three Imam present in karabala.

Surah Fajr related to Hazrat Imam Hussain RA.

” O soul that’s is rest justified. Return to you ALLAH well pleased (With him), well pleasing (him).

(Ayat No: 27 to 28)

Prophet SAW said:

” Hussain is from Me and I’m from Hussain”.

Imam Hussain RA bought the land of karabala from the tribe of Bani Asad.

and He was martyred by shimr bin ziljaushan on the behest of yazeed in the 10th Muharram 61 Hijri (10th October 680A.D)

at Karbala west of the Euphrates River during the prayer of Asr bowing, at the age of 56 years, 5 months and 5 days or 57 years.

On the announcement of war by Imam Hussain RA,He has left with only 72 faithful followers and army of yazeed approximately 12,000 or more in quantities.

Imam Hussain RA had refused to pay allegiance to yazeed and his questionable practices. Imam Hussain RA deemed it right to sacrifice himself inorder to save Islam.In 60 Hijri Ameer Muawiyah RA died and yazeed come in to power.

Imam Hussain RA has refused to bow down infront of yazeed,So He (RA) decided to leave Madina and go to Makkah. He (RA) reached Makkah on 3rd Shaban 60H. A deputation from kufa approached Imam Hussain RA. Muslims have written the letter to Hazrat Imam Hussain RA to come kufa. yazeed bribed all the leaders of kufa. 2nd Muharram 61H Imam Hussain RA camped at place of Karbala.

People of kufa invited Imam Hussain RA because they hated the rule of ubyadullah ibn zayyad. As the people of kufa were known for disloyalty, that’s why He (RA) sent his cousin Muslim bin Aqeel RA there to assess the situation. When Imam Hussain RA left Makkah, an army of 4000 men was sent for them. After analysing situation, Iman Hussain RA wrote down the letter to ubyadullah to either let him return to Madina or go to yazeed’s court. He (RA) also demanded in letter either to go to Khurasan to the fight enemies of Islam on the frontier of states.

On the 7th Muharram yazeed forces cutt off the supply of water.

On 9th Muharram, Imam Hussain RA wanted to send his kinsmen away but all refused.On the morning of 10th Muharram, all the relatives and followers of Imam HUSSAIN RA were martyred.

On 10th Of Muharram, Imam Hussain was left alone in the battle of the field to fight. While going on the battle field for the last time, Imam Hussain handed over the charge of Imam at to His son, Imam Zain Ul Abadin RA. On the 10th Muharram Imam Hussain RA martyred by shimr bin ziljaushan during the prayer of Asr bowing.

Correct Answer: 61 Hijri 

Last Updated: August 21, 2021