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Judiciary And Law Mcqs
Pakistan Constitution 1956
Definition of the State was provided in Article _________, of the Constitution of 1956?
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Constitution of Pakistan, 1956 declared Pakistan as__________?
The Constitution of 1956 was framed by the Constituent Assembly in the name of__________?
In formation of 1st Constitution __________ played very important role?
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Constitution of 1956 provided __________ citizenship of the citizens of the country?
Strength of Membership of National Assembly According 1956 Constitution was__________?
The Constitution of 1956 was abrogated on__________?
Constitution of 1956 __________ part was dealing with Fundament Rights?
1956 Constitution provided __________ form of government for the country?
According to the Constitution of 1956 __________ was the highest Court of country?
Minimm age to become President was held _________, year in 1956 Constitution?
According to the Constitution of, 1956 there shall be ________ form of government in country?
Constitution of 1956 was enforced on__________?
Definition of the State was provided in Article _________, of the Constitution of 1956?
A. 2
B. 3
C. 5
D. Non of These
Correct Answer:
Last Updated:
August 26, 2020