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Medical Jurisprudence
In human body among the organs essential to preservation of life is the______________?
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The wound pierces the skin deeper structure and enters into natural cavities of the body are called?
Punctured wound or stab wounds are of_______ types?
The injuries caused by blunt instruments which driven through he skin into the deeper structure are called?
An injury caused by sharp cutting instrument resulting in clean cut wound is called?
A contusion caused by blunt injury resulting in swelling of the part due to effusion of blood into the neighbouring tissues from the ruptured capillaries without any discontinuity of the skin is called?
Hanging is example of ______ type of abrasion?
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Abrasion is divided in_____ types?
An injury affected by corrosive acid or corrosive ucalies is called__________?
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Dissolution of the natural continuity of any tissue of the body is known as__________?
In post-mortem __________ organs of body are examined?
The post-mortem of a dead body is conducted for the purpose to__________?
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The stoppge of brain functioning is called__________?
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Excessive loss of blood as a result of injury to a large blood vessel or blood vessel of internal organ resulting in sever anemia is called__________?
The mode of death in which heart stop functioning first is called__________?
The death of body after 3 to 4 hours after the stoppage of vital functions is called__________?
Death is of __________ types?
The__________ is the center of cardiovascular system?
The blood vessels which convey blood away from heart called__________?
Human blood is __________ liquid?
Thorax contains__________?
The backone of human body consist __________ bones?
The nbone lying in the neck of human body is called__________?
Thorax or chest of human body is__________?
In young child spinal cord consist __________ bones?
_________ is also called little brain?
The ear of humans consists __________ parts?
In human body among the organs essential to preservation of life is the______________?
A. Lungs
B. Eye
C. Ears
D. Brain
Correct Answer:
Last Updated:
August 27, 2020