
A. Rs.500
B. Rs.250
C. Rs.5012.50
D. Rs.5062.50
E. None of these.


Let the principal be Rs.P

S.I at 5% p.a in 8 years on Rs.P = Rs.500
(P)(8)(5)/100 = 500
P = 1250
C.I on Rs.2P i.e., Rs.2500 at 5% p.a in two years
=2500{ [1 + 5/100]2 – 1} = 2500{ 212 – 202 /202}
= 2500/400(441 – 400)
= 25/4(41) = 1025/4 = Rs.256.25

Correct Answer: None of these.

Last Updated: February 07, 2020