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Nuclear Power Plants
Enriched uranium may contain fissionable contents of the order of__________________?
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In fast breeder reactors__________?
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A nuclear fission is initiated when the critical energy as compared to neutron binding energy of the atoms is__________?
The mass number of a substance represents the sum of total number of__________?
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Enriched uranium is one in which__________?
Which of the following are ferrite materials__________?
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The total energy released in fission of U is__________?
A nuclear unit becoming critical means__________?
Which is not identical for an atom and an isotope__________?
Atomic number of an element in the periodic table represents the numbers of__________?
Enriched uranium may contain fissionable contents of the order of__________________?
A. 1-99%
B. 1-25%
C. 1-50%
D. 1-75%
E. 1-90%.
Correct Answer:
Last Updated:
January 24, 2019