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Dental Materials
Setting expansion is advantageous in__________________?
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Localised shrinkage porosity is seen when there__________?
Sub surface porosity can be decreased by__________?
The inlay wax most commonly used for direct technique__________?
The purity of gold is expressed in__________?
In a metal ceramic crown for a FPD the function of tin, indium which are readily oxidized minor constituents is to__________?
Investment material used for cobalt-chromium alloys is__________?
Silica sol__________?
Boxing wax is also called as__________?
Shape memory in NiTi is because of stress induced form__________?
Casting shrinkage is compensated by__________?
The gold alloys used for casting contain at least…. percent of precious metal according to ADA specification number 5__________?
Impurities in casting is removed by__________?
Shape memory is seen in__________?
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Corrosion of stainless steel is due to formulation of__________?
The rapid decrease in tensile strength and increase in ductility of a wrought metal is seen in which stage of annealing ?
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Which of the waxes are derived from the lignite__________?
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Suck back porosity is due to__________?
Air bubbles formed on the surface of casting is probably due to__________?
Asbestos liner is used in a casting ring to__________?
Which of the following decrease with strain hardening__________?
Suck back porosity in the casting can be eliminated by__________?
The component in very minor quantity in stainless steel that changes the properties to a maximum level is__________?
Binder used in Gypsum investment is__________?
Nickel-Titanium alloy has__________?
Advantage of titanium over other base metal alloys__________?
Component of inlay wax which makes it flake resistant is__________?
Microstructure of cobalt chromium alloy in cast condition is__________?
Dendrites in cst alloys form by mechanism of__________?
Setting expansion is advantageous in__________________?
A. Casts
B. Models
C. Investment
D. Dies
Correct Answer:
Last Updated:
February 07, 2020