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Decidous dentition
Oral Anatomy
How many roots does a primary maxillary first molar have ___________?
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Among the difference between teeth in the decidous and the permanent dentition is that__________?
Mesiodistal width is more than cervico- incisal length of crown in__________?
The highest ( longest ) and sharpest cusp on the decidous mandibular first molar is__________?
Transverse ridge is prominent on occlusal surface of which of the following decidous teeth ?
Primary teeth differ from permanent teeth in following aspects ?
Pulp chambers and roots canals in decidous teeth__________?
When viewed occlusally, a primary mandibular second molar closely resembles which of the following mandibular teeth ?
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How many cusps does the crown of the maxillary first primary molar have ?
The largest mesiodistal diameter in primary dentition is__________?
During the development of a tooth, sound coalescence of the lobes results in__________?
The crowns and roots of primary molar at their cervical portions are more__________?
The pulp of first primary molar contains__________?
What is the thickness of the layer of primsless enamel found in primary teeth__________?
The direction of enamel rods in decidous teeth is__________?
With respect to their permanent successors the sum of the mesidodistal diameters of the first and second decidous molar is generally __________?
Cusp of carbaelli can be considered a normal finding on__________?
How many pulpal horns are there in the mandibular second primary molar ?
Which statement is correct about decidous dentition?
Cervical bulge. True is__________?
In the majority of situations, that first decidous tooth to erupt is the__________?
The primary lateral incisors begin to calcify about the__________?
The primary teeth that present the most outstanding morpholgic deviations from permanent teeth are__________?
Which of the following has the maximum faciolingual diameter of the crown__________?
Primary dentition period is__________?
Which of the following decidous molars bears the greatest resemblance to a premolar __________?
The correct dentition in a 9- years old child is__________?
Once the enamel formation is complete, the tooth will erupt after approximately__________?
Calcification of all teeth except last molars are completed by__________?
The time taken for primary tooth root completion after eruption__________?
Calcification of third molar begins at__________?
Kalu, a 6- years – old child, received tetracycline. Noticeable discoloration will be seen in__________?
What is the amount of time required by erupting premolar to move through 1 mm of bone as measured on a bite – wing radigraph ?
Eruption date of decidous maxillary 2nd molar is __________?
Number of teeth seen on X- ray at birth__________?
Which of the following is dental formula of a 9 years old child__________?
First evidence of initiation of primary dentition is usually around__________?
Generally in majority of children, the sequence of eruption of permanent teeth in mandible is__________?
A radiograph of 4- years old child reveals no evidence of calcification of mandibular second pre molar. This indicates__________?
The most common sequence of eruption of the permanent maxillary teeth in children is__________?
The decidous canine emerges__________?
Calcification of roots of decidous teeth is completed by__________?
The eruption are of maxillary permanent lateral incisor is__________?
In anxious parent calls you that her 5- month -old child has still no teeth in his mouth then you should__________?
First permanent molars begin to calcify at __________?
Maxillary primary cuspid enamel completion takes place at__________?
The tooth bud for the third molar is initiated at about the age of__________?
How many roots does a primary maxillary first molar have ___________?
A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. Four
Correct Answer:
Last Updated:
February 07, 2020