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Oral Anatomy
Permanent Dentition
No. of cusps in mandibular 1st molar_____________?
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Following eruption , the root of the maxillary central incisor completes development at what approximate age ?
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Which teeth the proximal aspect shows rhomboidal appearance__________?
Steepest cusp is seen in__________?
The eruption age of maxillary permanent lateral incisor is__________?
Maxillary first molar has how many roots ?
Average of length of maxillary cuspid is__________?
Which of the following permanent teeth is usually bilaterally symmetric when viewed labially and incissaly __________?
The root trunk of permanent mandibular first molar buccally is__________?
The maxillary tooth exhibiting the greatest variation in root alignment is__________?
Which of the following is true of permanent first molar’s occlusal surface__________?
Which of the following is true for permanent teeth__________?
Permanent mandibular first molar is developed from ______ lobes?
The two major fossa of permanent maxillary first molar__________?
In which of the following a nonfunctional cusp is present__________?
The premolar with the occlusal groove pattern that may simulate the letter “Y” is__________?
In the triangle formed by the projection of the orifices of the canals of a maxillary molar, the__________?
Which bifurcation is closet to the cervical line (or) which surface has short root trunk length in a maxillary permanent first molar ?
Which cusp is poorly developed in a permanent maxillary second molar__________?
Tritubercular cusps are__________?
The occlusal surface shape of a 3 cusped mandibular second premolar__________?
Mesial slope of buccal cusp is longer than distal slope in__________?
Mandibular second premolar 3- cusp type id developed from__________?
Rounded protuberances on the incisal edges of newly erupted permanent incisors are__________?
Longest tooth of the maxillary arch is__________?
The largest permanent tooth in the mouth usually is__________?
Difference between mandibular and maxillary premolars is that in the mandibular premolars ?
Mesiolingual grooves may be found on which of the following permanent teeth __________?
Which of the following features of a permanent maxillary lateral incisor aids in distinguishing it from a mandibular lateral incisor ?
The total number of cingula in each dentition is__________?
A maxillary right canine may be distinguished from a maxillary left canine because __________?
Number of roots in maxillary 2nd molar is__________?
The permanent anterior tooth, which is most 20. Commonly atypical , is__________?
The root of maxillary lateral incisors if curved is usually in which direction ?
The shortest root on a maxillary first molar is__________?
A distinguishing characteristic of a maxillary first premolar that identifies it as right or left is the__________?
The most common curvature of the palatal root of maxillary first molar is__________?
Which of the premolars is usually the smallest__________?
Five cusps are present in__________?
In which of the tooth is the mesiodistal measurements is greater lingually than facially__________?
In which of the tooth is the mesiodistal measurements is greater lingually than facially__________?
Greater crown bulk distal to the faciolingual bisecting plane of a tooth is most typical of the mandibular__________?
Which of the following is the largest root__________?
The shape of the occlusal surface of the permanent maxillary first molar is__________?
The number of line angles a permanent maxillary central incisor is__________?
Dentin islands are frequently found in the root canals of which of the following permanent teeth ?
Ratio of mesiodistal width to height of crown of maxillary canine is__________?
An 8 – yr old child comes to your clinic with large front teeth having jagged margins, what is the treatment plan for this patient ?
Crown formation of all permanent teeth except third molars is completed between__________?
No. of cusps in mandibular 1st molar_____________?
A. 4
B. 3
C. 5
D. 6
Correct Answer:
Last Updated:
February 07, 2020