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Benign and Malignant Tumours of Oral Cavity
Oral Pathology and Medicine
Squamous papiloma is induced by ________________?
Related MCQs
Multiple bilateral dentigerous cysts are seen in:__________?
COC is now called as:__________?
Facial nerve paralysis is common with:__________?
The most aggressive and destructive cyst is:__________?
Standard treatment of ameloblastoma:
The most common odontogenic cyst is:__________?
Cyst arising from dental lamina:__________?
Adenomatoid odontogenic tumour is characterized histologically by:__________?
The Pathogenesis of Periapical Cyst is__________?
A six year old child patient has blue-dome shaped swelling in posterior mandibular region, what will be the treatment plan?
Pindborg tumor arises from:_________?
A 36 year old man with an asymptomatic swelling in the body of the mandible with radiographic features of radiolucency with radiopaque flecks in suffering from:
Multiple periapical radiolucencies are seen in:_________?
Clear cells are commonly seen in which of the following lesions?
The epithelium of a dentigerous cyst is:__________?
Dentigerous cyst is associated with the following
A patient with ameloblastoma of the jaw can best be treated by:__________?
After entering radiolucent lesion in a 30 years old man hollow cavity without epithelial lining is seen, the most probable diagnosis is:__________?
Dentigerous cyst is suspected if the follicular space is more than:
Compound odontoma shows:__________?
Destructively invasive locally malignant with rare metastasis, the lesion is:
Lesions associated with vital tooth?
Treatment for cementoma?
A 25 year old male patient reports with bony expansile swelling of the right body of the mandible & mild paresthesia of the right IDN. OPG shows a multi locular radiolucency without root resorption. What would be your choice of next investigation?
Ghost (shadow) cells are seen in:__________?
Adamantinoma is:__________?
Adenomatold odontogenic tumour is most commonly found in:
Multiple odontogenic keratocyst are associated with:__________?
Which histopathological type of odontogenic keratocyst is commoner, more invasive & has a greater tendency for recurrence ?
A 40 year old woman has meloblastoma, the histomorphologic features will be:__________?
Which of the following is wrong about keratocyst:
Each of the following cyst is associated with an impacted tooth except:__________?
Keratocyst has all of the following features except:__________?
A multilocular cyst of the jaw is more likely:__________?
The cyst with highest recurrence rate is:__________?
The most ideal expianation for recurrence of odontogenic keratocyst is:__________?
Unicentric, non-functional, anatomically benign, clinically persistent tumor is:__________?
Radiographic finding in pindborg tumour is:__________?
Robinson’s classification of ameloblastoma does not include:__________?
Primordial cyst develops:__________?
Odontogenic keratocyst has the following feature:__________?
Dentigerous cyst is likely to cause which neoplasia?
One of them is not a true cyst:__________?
Which of the following is the most common lesion of the mandible?
Basal layer in primordial cyst is arranged in the form of:_________?
Nodular growth of alveolus is seen in:__________?
Which of the following shows the presence of cholesterol crystals:__________?
The most common odontogenic tumour which occurs in relationto an unerupted tooth in the anterior maxilla:__________?
Which of the following is an odontogenic tumor?
Leisegang rings are found in:__________?
Eruption cyst:__________?
Squamous papiloma is induced by ________________?
Correct Answer:
Last Updated:
February 07, 2020