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Physiology Mcqs
Respiratory System
tidal volume in adult is_____________?
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Muscle of expiration__________?
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Normal intrapleural pressure during the start of inspiration is _________ mm of Hg?
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An important non- respiratory function of lungs is__________?
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Inability of exchange of oxygen through lung tissue if known as__________?
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The work of breathing__________?
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Which of the following statements about pulmonary surfactant is false ?
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Ventilation perfusion ratio is maximum in__________?
Vital capacity is a measure of__________?
Oxygen affinity decreases in__________?
Arterial O2 content is reduced in one of following __________?
Oxygen affinity is increased by all except__________?
Non- respiratory function of the lung is__________?
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During the initial part of inspiration, which of the following does not occur ?
What effect does hyperventilation have on the oxygen binding affinity of hemoglobin ?
The best stimulator of respiratory center is__________?
Oxygen dissociation curve shifts to the right by all of the following except__________?
Most effective method of assessing breathing is by measuring__________?
tidal volume in adult is_____________?
A. 125 ml
B. 500 ml
C. 1500 ml
D. 2200 ml
Correct Answer:
500 ml
Last Updated:
February 07, 2020