
A. 11 MoUs
B. 13 MoUs
C. 15 MoUs
D. None of these

Submitted by: Areesha Khan

Pakistan and Turkey agreed to transform their ties into a strategic economic partnership.

The two sides, which signed 13 memorandums of understandings (MoUs) inc­luding a joint declaration after the sixth meeting of the High-Level Strategic Co­operation Council (HLSCC), importantly app­roved a Strategic Economic Framework (SEF) and an accompanying elaborate plan of action to implement the new vision for the ties.

The MoUs signed by the two governments relate to fields of standardisation, con­formity assessment, met­­ro­logy and training; dia­spora policy; media; development and facilita­tion of tourism; halal acc­re­ditation; trade facilita­tion and customs coope­ration matters; railways; postal services; military training; and hydrocarbons.

Correct Answer: 13 MoUs

Last Updated: February 15, 2020