
A. 70th
B. 75th
C. 80th
D. 85th

Submitted by: Muhammad Sabir

Reference: With population growing rapidly and poverty increasing even faster, food insecurity has become a major issue, with a very large portion of the population already food-insecure. Pakistan was ranked 80th on the Global Food Security Index of 2020 out of 113 countries as it lagged behind almost all South Asian nations barring Bangladesh, and several African countries. This means that Pakistan scored extremely poorly on all indicators or drivers of food insecurity from food availability, affordability, quality and safety to natural resources and resilience considered by the GFSI for ranking nations on the index. The Global Hunger Index, which takes into account the proportion of the malnourished population, frequency of child mortality, stunted growth, and height to weight ratios of children, placed Pakistan at 88th position out of 132 countries it sur veyed last year.

Correct Answer: 80th

Last Updated: July 09, 2021